Blanca Blanco is an American actress best known for The Dog of Christmas, Fake News, and Torch.
In 2016, Blanca received the Arido Award for her contribution to the film industry. 2018 has been a busy year for Blanca who appeared in films such as Woman on the Edge, Mission Possible, Daddy Don’t Marry Again and The Fabulous Christmas Holidays.
She is a supporter of the American Cancer Society, Autism Speaks, AIDS Society, The Salvation Army, Point Foundation, and is a community leader for End of Life issues.
Check out the interview below, in which the actress talks about her passion, workout & diet routine in close conversation with Namita Nayyar, president, Women Fitness.
Namita Nayyar
When was that moment when you first realised your passion for acting?
Blanca Blanco
I first realized my passion for acting when I was seven years old. I used to watch Western films with my grandmother, and I would tell her that I wanted to wear beautiful clothes and act in films like the actresses on screen. My grandmother encouraged me and told me that if I persisted, I would one day be acting in films. While growing up, I would also often act out and pretend to film scenes from my favorite movies with my sisters. I’ve always loved to act.
Namita Nayyar
Best part about being in this industry?
Blanca Blanco
The best part of this industry is that my work doesn’t feel like work. Booking jobs and working on set is always fun, and even though there can be hard work, it’s a labor of love. My passion always drives me forward to pursue challenging roles which has gifted me with a career that is non-linear and very exciting.
Namita Nayyar
What is your workout routine like?
Blanca Blanco
I aim to work out five times a week and usually early in the day. I find a combination of running for 20 minutes and light weight training for 45 minutes is the best workout for me. It’s toning, energizing, and helps me to avoid burn out because I can focus on different areas of my body during each work out.

Namita Nayyar
A healthy breakfast for you includes? What do you like to have for dinner? And on weekends?
Blanca Blanco
Healthy eating is a lifestyle for me. I usually eat every three hours or so and I include protein with every meal to keep my energy levels consistent. For breakfast, I often have an egg white omelette with lots of veggies – tomatoes, onions, and green bell peppers – and a cup of tea. I haven’t had coffee in over 14 years. For lunch, I love rice, grilled salmon or another protein, and more veggies. For dinner, I usually have grilled chicken and grilled veggies, and I always eat it before 6pm. I snack regularly throughout the day on high energy food like fruit or cheese. I eat much the same on weekends, but I love to add in Mexican food for some extra spice and variety.
Namita Nayyar
Name your all-time favourite actress? What about them inspires you?
Blanca Blanco
My all-time favorite actress is Meryl Streep. Her ability to transform so fluidly and naturally to an incredible range of characters inspires me. She’s one of my role models.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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