Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Binia Feltscher:
I cook mostly myself. I try to cook according to my preferences. And if it is still healthy, so much the better. Fresh fruit or fresh vegetables I like to buy and prepare it in different ways. I very gladly and often eat meat. This comes mostly from the hunting by my husband’s or my father or my uncle’s farm.
I do not but follow a diet or a strict diet plan. Also the fun and the enjoyment is not too short there. Of course I’m watching competitions that I can well hold the food and brings the necessary energy. But always it is that my preference not to be neglected. When ever my mind is well, I play well. Most of the time
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hairs. Do you take some child of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your sapling to make them look so stunning? Any special treatment to protect your skin in cold conditions?
Ms. Binia Feltscher:
God gave it to me. I do not have much money for cosmetics.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding girls taking career in sports of curling who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in the sport of curling?
Ms. Binia Feltscher:
Play the curling sport with fairness and joy. Friendships in the team or even among opponents are more important than the short-term success. For me the family was always more important than the sport. This always gave me strength and also when going through tough times in the sport.
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