Diet and exercise routine or therapy that really helped you along. Please elaborate
I’ve always had a healthy diet – I’m now strictly vegan – and although one could always do more exercise, I walk the dog and do the gardening, which keeps me fairly fit. In my case, there is a strong genetic predisposition to breast cancer.
Tests have not identified a breast cancer gene, as such, but a process called gene methylation is thought to be the cause.
According to you “going back on tour with fellow singers Julia Fordham and Judie Tzuke’ is a reward after months of arduous cancer treatment.” Please share more input on how this kept you going
After I’d finished the chemo in April 2019, the second leg of our rescheduled ‘Woman To Woman’ tour was something I could look forward to and focus on. It’s good to have goals to work towards and it kept me positive and determined
Message for your daughters and other young women to follow a health & fitness routine to overcome physical & mental challenges.
My daughters don’t need any advice from me! They know they have a heightened risk of breast cancer but then, sadly, it does appear to be on the rise in the general population as well, which may be due to environmental factors.
Most breast cancers are hormone receptor positive so I would be very wary of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for women experiencing difficulties with menopausal symptoms.
We are all brainwashed into believing that ageing and the loss of our youthful appearance is to be avoided at all costs. Cosmetic procedures are de rigueur these days. But the truth is we should be celebrating our longevity and thankful that we are still here despite the fragility of life.
Women Fitness Team is grateful to Beverley Craven for sharing her story on our website.
For more on Beverley Craven visit:
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