7. Jenni + Mirna
Registered Holistic Nutritionists & Founders of Naughty Nutrition
Instagram: @naughtynutrition.co
1. What does Body Positivity mean to you?
When we think of body positivity, the biggest thing that stands out is having respect for yourself. Creating that positive relationship between your mindset towards your body, nourishing your body, and loving your body. It also means loving and respecting other bodies no matter the shape or size.
Even though we say love and respect, we also know that no relationship is perfect, so with body positivity comes an understanding that there may be days where you don’t feel 100% confident but those are temporary, not permanent.
2. 3 tips or tricks to boost your self confidence.
- One of the biggest things that we see today that can have a negative effect on your self-confidence is the comparisons that we make to those on social media. Try to remember that social media doesn’t always accurately portray real life. We would even go as far as to recommend unfollowing certain people who have the tendency to make you lose your confidence.
- Another way to boost self-confidence is through affirmations. It may sound weird, but convincing yourself that you are worthy can actually create a thought shift that turns those negative phrases we tell ourselves into positive ones. It’s time to flip that script and create a positive and affirming head space of worth, love and acceptance.
- And one of our favourite ways as nutritionists to create self-confidence is to nourish your body. We often use food as a way to cover up our emotions, which creates a negative, guilt-induced cycle. Unfortunately it is hard to properly nourish yourself when you feel down on yourself, but using your affirmations of “my body deserves respect and nourishment” can help create healthier habits such as eating more whole foods, exercising and reducing your stress load, which in turn can create a boost of confidence, energy and increase those feelings of self-worth.
3. All-time favourite quote.
“And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.’ ~ Nayyirah Waheed
4. Where do you see the #bodypositive movement this year?
We see more influencers, nutritionists, dietitians and MD’s making a shift to a more body positivity approach with their clients. We even hope to see some Instagram models adapt the approach and start speaking about it with their followers. We love that there is a movement starting to happen in the nutrition industry that discusses listening to your body’s natural hunger cues, and we really hope to see the idea of whole body nourishment let go of diet ideals, and talk more about mindset and intentions.
5. Fitness Goals for 2019?
Jenni – One of my biggest goals is to get into a handstand for at least 5 seconds. That being said, I’m not really one to create too many goals other than just getting to my mat on a regular basis. Being a mom to a 2 year old it’s not always easy, so carving out that time and making sure it remains a priority is something that I strive for.
Mirna – I used to believe in the ‘no pain, no gain’ rule when it came to exercise and I wasn’t listening to my body. Just like with food and listening to what my body is truly craving, I have started to tune into my body more when it comes to fitness and not push myself through the pain. And, for 2019 I would like to put more focus into activities such as yoga and pilates to build more core strength and flexibility.
8. Cary Williams
Olympic Level Boxing Coach, Former Fighter & Founder of Too Pretty
Instagram: @caryleewilliams
1. What does Body Positivity mean to you?
Body positive is feeling confident about how you look which usually comes from how you feel. A lot of this is mental and requires mental strength but we can all feel positive about our bodies! I remember when I was 40 pounds over weight and I initially felt uncomfortable. I knew that I did not want to feel that way and knew I was going to get that weight off. BUT, in the meantime I still felt confident because I made a point to work with that extra weight. I started to wear clothes that flattered my body and took the positive things about my body at the time and accentuated them. Once I felt confident, those around me started complimenting me. It is all how you exude confidence. Perception is reality.
2. 3 tips or tricks to boost your self confidence.
- Look for all of your positive qualities and focus on them. Whether it was a compliment someone made or something you know you are great at, hold on to it and own it!
- We all have to wear clothes, so go out and find outfits that flatter your physique. It could be your workout clothes or your work clothes. Clothes can really improve our self confidence if used in the right way.
- Stay off of Instagram for at least one week and unfollow the “popular kids”. You will be amazed at how your confidence will improve and you will be focused to work on your personal growth.
3. All-time favourite quote.
My father said that life was like going up a down escalator. If you walk you stay in one place, if you stand still you move backwards, if you run you get a head!
4. Where do you see the #bodypositive movement this year?
The #bodypositive movement will continue to grow and more of us will begin to feel comfortable in our own skin. But, this will only happen if we stop comparing ourselves to all or the “pretty” people on social media. Do you and that is it!
5. Fitness Goals for 2019?
My personal fitness goals for 2019 are to get back to where my body was 5 years ago. It isn’t about weight appearance but I felt really strong and fit then and I want to get that feeling back. For me that means I have to incorporate more HIIT workouts but continue with my boxing and weight training.
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