Namita Nayyar:
You are a leading Bikini Model, Pro Athlete, social media personality, fitness and wellness journalist, and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Bella Trost:
Looking after myself, exercising and being conscious of what I eat is a lifestyle. I have gotten used to living this way and it would be uncomfortable to live differently. If I don’t work out for a long time, I feel uncomfortable. When I competed, I was under pressure to exercise in a certain way and at certain times.
Now I enjoy the freedom of choosing the workout form that I feel like doing that day or having a rest day if I’d like to. I do whatever feels right; weight training, yoga and pole training. I don’t track my food anymore but I am aware of what I put in my body.
I still have that desire to look good and be healthy, so I make an effort to achieve it.
Doing sports professionally teaches you time management and prioritization. To be able to decide what to do with your time, you have to know what kind of person you want to become. If your priority is health, you have to schedule your time for that: exercise, eat good meals and get enough sleep.
If, for example, watching TV makes you happy then do it, put it in your calendar and figure out how to cut time from the things that have to be done in order to be the person you want to be. It is both simple and complicated.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your workout routine that you may wish to share?
Bella Trost:
I get bored easily so I always need different kind of workouts. I want to enjoy my workout but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I always choose the exercise I want to do. I like having a toned body with full looking muscles. In order to have that I have to do weight training at least 2-3 times a week, even when I don’t really feel like it.
But even if I don’t always feel like it, there is a beauty in weight lifting. If you lift properly, it requires so much concentration that you really can get in your zone where you are 100% present in your body and in the moment. No other thoughts, just you lifting, pushing, standing up with that weight. It is a euphoric experience.
When I don’t have much time I do HIIT/Plyometric training, a 20-40 minute high intensity workout with jumps, push-ups and sit-ups. It always makes me sweat and gives me that pleasant “I’ve done something” feeling.
My passion is dance. Whenever I have the chance I do a pole practice, I put my music on and I completely disconnect from the world. Pole dance is the best core and upper body workout. It is feminine and beautiful.
When I’m tired, I do yoga. My favorite is Asthanga yoga. I know the whole primary series and modify it depending on how I feel. Sometimes I just build my own yoga sequence from different yoga moves – it feels amazing doing it to music. You just float with the music. I love it.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? Give us one secret to your toned body.
Bella Trost:
I hardly ever focus just on the abs. The core is the center of the body and whatever exercise form you do it is active. If I do weight lifting, the core is 100% involved. If I do HIIT – push-ups, jumps, sit-up variations – the core is working hard (sit-ups are of course an ab workout but I always do them weighted and with different variations to get the most muscles involved). Pole dance is one of the best core workouts – doing inverts (lifting your legs over your head) is a hardcore abs workout. Any kind of Vinyasa yoga is very core oriented with lots of flows where the abs is seriously engaged.
Also, calisthenics is amazing. Hanging from bars and lifting your legs up, like L-sit, is a perfect core workout.
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