Namita Nayyar:
Who has been your biggest motivator in your career?
Beatrice Vio:
My family. They supported me in every moment and after my disease they helped me to start again with fencing. At the beginning, I didn’t want to try wheelchair fencing because I considered it a “sport for disabled people” compared to standing fencing that I practised before. I was wrong! Wheelchair fencing is so cool: you can’t escape; you have to face the opponent and fight for the win!
Namita Nayyar:
How have your personal struggles helped you in achieving the greatest goals in life?

Beatrice Vio:
I think that you have to enjoy every minute of your life! For me, you can’t live your life complaining yourself and getting depressed. Life is a beautiful journey and a precious gift, this is an important awareness that can change the way of seeing life and can help to stay focused!
Namita Nayyar:
Social media is instrumental these days. How do you make the most of it to inspire your following of 984K?
Beatrice Vio:
Through social media I show especially my everyday life as the days spent at the university and the training sessions. I don’t consider myself an inspiring person but I’m simply myself and I try to send a positive message that can helps somebody around the world.
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