Namita Nayyar:
You had memorable sporting achievements in your competitive Equestrian vaulting career as you became three times Dutch champion in this sport. Tell us your experience at these equestrian vaulting events and what you learned from it to move further in your sporting career.
Annebeth Kubbe:
I became more and more confident with myself. I learned how to be less hard with myself. Every year that I got to know myself better I became a better athlete. I also got better at choosing the team that felt good for me, this also made my performance getting better and better. Every competition made me stronger and wiser.
Namita Nayyar:
You have coaches like Jinte Pieriks and Lasse who have been a catalyst who helped you pave the way to rise in your career with discipline and a never stopping attitude. Elaborate about their influence on your professional sporting life?
Annebeth Kubbe:
Coaches are a difficult subject to be honest. As an athlete you are depending on your coach, so you can imagine that they do have a lot of influence. This makes every coach- athlete relationship difficult. There are not many coaches and it’s hard to find a good coach. Especially in the vaulting sport everybody is friends and a family in a way; what is beautiful, but also hard to keep the relationship professional. My lunger and coach Allan Laudrup was really good for my team, we are good friends but also professional at the times at ‘work’, we were good at communication. If think that is the way for good teamwork; we both let each other free, were compeletly honest and we were willing to do the work. With him I also had the most success.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Annebeth Kubbe:
In the gym I did most the exercises to get more strong and vaulting specific exerxises

Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Annebeth Kubbe:
Hihi nice question! How I train my abs? Well to be honest, I just use them a lot. Beside my vaulting and fitness training I ride my horse dressage (good for your abs).
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Annebeth Kubbe:
Food is a good topic for our sport. For me it has not always been easy to eat enough, we practice in tight clothes and our competition suits are also really slim. I always tried to eat healthy and did what felt good for my body. Since I got more confident with myself and got fully connected with my body I realized that I had to eat a lot more to be able to do all my trainings programs a 100% and without getting injured.
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