Why helping the less fortunate people in the world, the need of the hour?
I was raised to always help others who are less fortunate. I believe through the media, more people are aware of others’ situations and want to help. I believe that as a community, people coming together, donating their time, money, and resources, we can achieve anything. People want to help people, now it is easier to for others to know how to get involved.
Why are more and more people moving towards vegetarianism or turning vegan?
There are many different reasons people today are becoming vegan. For some, it is just a fad or could be for health reasons. For others, it is their morals. I believe that you should do what you feel is right for your own body. While being vegan can have its health benefits, it can also decrease the protein one needs to survive. Always make choices that suit your lifestyle and your own health. Don’t just follow because it is a fad.
Warming-up & stretching is essential before a workout session. Why?
You always run a risk of injuring yourself doing any physical activity with cold muscles. Get your heart rate up with jumping jacks, a jog, etc, before you stretch to maximize your flexibility and warm you up before you work out.
Dancing is considered to be one of the most effective forms of workout? Share your experience?
For me, dancing is a great disguise for working out. When I take a dance class, my mind is so focused on the choreography/technique that I forget I am “working out”. It is also said that dance is great for your mental health, cardiovascular health, strength, balance, and coordination; knocking out all birds with one stone.
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