Anike Ekina writes on her website “Dreams are there to live them, I live my dream and adapt to my goals. I am not perfect, who is that? And by my handicap, also a little limitation in many things, but I find 93 – 63 – 93 is also ok. Faith in yourself is what takes you to your goal.”
From the erotic industry she entered the music industry. Today she stands in front of the camera for different film formats, work on her first album, play at the side of a world star in the guru josh project, and develop her own fashion collection.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar did a candid interview with Anike Ekina world-leading media personality, singer, model, Instagram star, fashion icon, actress, and a brand ambassador where she talks about her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
Your first song was released in 2016 “Stuck up in My Head”. Later in the year 2019 you sang the song “All I Want Is You” along with Yvonne Woelke. This propelled your singing career to the height where you have been leading singer and in 2020 you released “Love to Infinity” with Darren Bailie and Guru Josh and later “Pray” and “SAX”. Tell us more about your journey as a singer of hard work, tenacity, and endurance?

Anike Ekina:
In 2015 I discovered music for myself. It was already a lot of fun for me as a child but the musical aspect remained hidden for a long time. In many things I am not as fast as others and have a few small handicaps, this is due to a complication at my birth. I couldn’t breathe for a long period of time and this caused minor damage to my brain. In 2015 I heard that stroke patients are treated with music and I read various studies about what music does. It became clear to me, I have to make music. I was a little bit musical, but it was just enough for a shower when nobody was listening. But from then on I wanted to train my brain, beat my little handicap and conquer the stages of the world and I looked for people who could help me. It wasn’t easy but after a while a small team of producers from Switzerland got together and produced the track Stuck Up in my Head which became my first track and I was supposed to perform it as a DJ.
But the beginning is difficult as usual and I couldn’t get any further and tried and practiced on many of them. 2017 I discovered the saxophone and since then I’m in training and playing in a marching band. After a short time my teacher Janina praised me for my timing and my feeling, I noticed the first improvements, e.g. in speaking. Speaking and free speech in context and finding the right words is something that was very confusing due to the brain damage. Hardly 2 years later I started to produce my first own tracks and it went in the direction of electronic dance music “EDM”. In April 2019 I met Darren Bailie from the Guru Josh Project “Infinity 2008 ” at a gig together, we got along very well and a few weeks later we produced Love to Infinity.
My husband Hardy and Toby Webster, who produces for Kontor and BMG among others, started to write more tracks together with me. Since the Christmas time was just around the corner I wanted to make a Christmas song together with my girlfriend, the actress Yvonne Woelke. From the idea to the release and the finished video took only 3 weeks, so it was a real quick fix. PRAY was then my first own single, which should express that if you believe in something then you will make it. It does not always go everything from now on the same and also not always alone, but if you fight then it becomes also which.
In 2015 I haven’t hit a note while singing yet, now there are a few more and I don’t hide, I just keep going and my fans experience this way together with me. With SAX I wanted to express summer lust and passion – which unfortunately didn’t happen this year due to Corona, my first planned tour has also been nipped in the bud and I hope that it will be something in 2021. I am totally excited and surprised that I suddenly got such a big worldwide reach and therefore I hope for many international gigs when it is possible again.
Namita Nayyar:
You were born in Hamburg, West Germany, and move to different countries of Europe for your professional career. For an artist adjusting to new countries with their own cultures, it must be difficult, and then to adjust with a professional career in the new foreign land, what advice you can give to fellow artists in a similar situation?
Anike Ekina:
I just let it come to me, I don’t know any foreign language, I can’t even speak my own language properly, but I practice LOL diligently.
I wasn’t prepared for it, suddenly I was international, if I had guessed this development earlier, I would probably have prepared myself differently for it, also concerning foreign languages.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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