Angelica Bengtsson is a Swedish track and field athlete who specialises in the pole vault. She became the first pole vault winner at the inaugural Summer Youth Olympics in Singapore, 2010. She has been a highly successful youth and junior athlete, winning gold medals at the 2009 World Youth Championships and the 2010 World Junior Championships in Athletics, and is now excelling as a senior athlete.
For all her fans out there, you must read Women Fitness’ exclusive interview with Angelica Bengtsson.
Namita Nayyar:
Starting out early, at 16 you became the best pole vaulter in Sweden. What motivated you to take up this sport as a career?
Angelica Bengtsson:
I had already decided, when I was 11 years old, that I should give pole vault a shot to become the best in the world. Almost right away, I took local records in pole vault, in age categories several years older than me, so I was convinced that I had a talent that I should not reject.

Namita Nayyar:
What is the best part about having your father as your coach?
Angelica Bengtsson:
I do not have him as a coach anymore, however we were a team from when I started with athletics until 2012, and also during 2016 and 2017. The best part was that he knew me so well. In pole vault there are many decisions to take during the competition and as we were that tight, we could take the right decisions, even before anyone else could see the need of any decision making.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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