Namita Nayyar:
Three components that are a must in your fitness regime? 5 exercises to build full-body strength that can be done while traveling?
Ilka Štuhec:
Foam roller, elastics and good training shoes. Hmm, while travelling… Wall sits, plank, hamstring work out (with elastics or Swiss (yoga) ball), sit up, push up. After that it’s all about improvisation and combinations.
Namita Nayyar:
Define the Women Fitness website for our viewers.
Ilka Štuhec:
I would recommend Women Fitness to everyone aware of the importance of a holistic approach when trying to improve their lifestyle. You can find great and positive stories, tips and content for different types of people, wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.
Namita Nayyar:
As a sportswoman, what skincare and hair care routine do you follow to combat the stress of the sport?
Ilka Štuhec:
Many times, my skin shows the stress level I’m in. So, I try to keep my skincare simple – with tonic, homemade moisturizing face cream and sunscreen. My hair is a bit of a different story, as you can probably notice. ? I wash it max. 2 times a week and comb it only wet. It’s really dry, so I’m using hair cream and moisturizing foam.
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