Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Alise Post: My sport requires me to be quick. I use a lot of fast twitch fibers and have to be very explosive. This means that I have to do a combination of strength, sprint, agility and plyometric training. However, my sport is also very fast paced, and I am racing with 7 other people with jumps and constant action going on all around me, so I also have to be very reactive and technically sound with my bike handling skills. As you can see, I have to do quite a broad spectrum of training. In the gym, Every time I go it’s a complete body workout, generally in the functional fitness area of a gym. I do a lot of “whole body” lifts.
These are things like squats and dead lifts and their various forms. I also do box jumps and ball balance exercises. My sprinting is done specifically on my bike in short intervals with bigger rest breaks; there’s nothing in our regime for long distances since that’s not what our sport requires. And then lastly, a good majority of the time I am out at the BMX track working on technical skills and printing on the track.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Alise Post: I have definitely had to adjust my diet since growing up in order to get the most out of my body everyday. I used to think that as long as I wasn’t gaining weight I could eat whatever I wanted, but now I see the benefits, for both my athletic performance and overall heath for my future self, in eating nutritious foods and fueling my body in the right way.
I do not follow a specific diet, but I do eat nutritious foods in a variety to remain healthy and physically fit. I try to follow the food pyramid and get everything in moderation so that I am not having to supplement anything or put any foreign substances in my body to get the nutrients I need. I would say my diet is rich in proteins compared to the everyday person, but this is due to being in an explosive sport that requires muscle building. As far as treats go, I try to make sure I have all of the “good stuff” in first, but I am a human and have sweet cravings too. As I said, everything in moderation is okay by me!
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