Agnes Muljadi is a Los Angeles based vegan ballerina, actress, photographer and celebrity blogger. Known as @artsyagnes on Instagram with over 200,000 fans, Agnes has been the face of numerous brands including Amazon, NFL, Starbucks, Macy’s, True Religion, Reebok, Banana Republic, Lionsgate Studio, Google Photos, and many others.
Additionally, Agnes’ interest in advocating for vegan and socially responsible lifestyle has become the essence of her voice.
Today, Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness joins Agnes Muljadi one her fantastic journey as a ballerina and her views on turning vegan.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You are a ballerina, actress, photographer and celebrity blogger. Introduce us to a day in your life.
Ms. Agnes Muljadi:
I often wake up around 8am and start my day with a 10 minute stretch and 10-20 min meditation. I quickly have breakfast (I’m always eager to get my day started!) before checking my email, posting on my social media and working on my brand until about lunch time. I typically take a yoga, pilates or gyrotonics class during lunch time and then I will head home to continue working or attend my outside business meetings. Around 5pm I head to my ballet studio to take class and rehearse and I am usually done by around 9pm.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?
Ms. Agnes Muljadi:
I take ballet classes and rehearse 5-6 days per week – it’s pretty intense, but very satisfying. I also stretch and do conditioning exercises at home. And then I alternate between yoga, pilates or gyrotonics class at least twice a week.
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