7. Betina Gozo
Nike Master Trainer
Instagram: @betinagozo
1. Favourite Exercise
Barbell Cleans or Trap Bar Deadlifts
2. Favourite Health Foods
Acai Bowls, Kale Salads, Green Smoothies, and Peanut Butter Berry RX Bars, Paleo Valley Beef Sticks
3. Favourite 2018 Social Media Memory
Sharing my penguins and whales that I met in Antarctica!
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
To get more women into strength training I know it’s not a personal one, but that’s my mission!
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
Instagram, WhatsApp, and Spotify
8. Lindsey Mathews
Head Trainer & Nutritionist, IdealFit
Instagram: @trainerlindsey
1. Favourite Exercise
Pull ups and glute bridges
2. Favourite Health Foods
Veggies for snacking such as cucumbers and bell peppers, protein powder treats and peanut butter!
3. Favourite 2018 Social Media Memory
My Fit Body Tour! This year I visited numerous big cities around the nation to meet my challengers and social media followers in person, workout with them and give them big sweaty hugs! We made so many memories together through these events and they all touched my life in countless ways.
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
Place top 5 in my national level NPC bikini competitions
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
Besides social media platforms, I use My Macros + for food tracking, Marco Polo for chatting with my friends and 2Do for keeping my life organized!
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