19. Lisa Corsello

Celebrity Fitness Expert & Founder of Burn Pilates and Lisa Corsello Method
Instagram: @lisancorsello
1. Favourite Exercise
Sumo Squat Hops
2. Favourite Health Foods
Spinach, eggs, apples, almonds
3. Favourite 2018 Social Media Memory
The Insta Story when my daughter was home sick and I chronicled my insane day trying to care for her, work from home, and get a workout in. Everything was done in segments so I could keep everyone happy and stay sane. It was real, overwhelming, and ridiculous. I was so touched and inspired by the women who wrote to me to thank me, share a laugh, and commiserate.
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
To listen more to my body and less to the number on the scale.
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
- Shazam
- VHX&Playbook
20. Anka Urbahn
Founder of Urbahn Fit- Personal Training for Bad Ass Women
Instagram: @urbahnfit
1. Favourite Exercise
I don’t have a favorite exercise, exactly. However, I really like working my back and shoulders. I love doing single side exercises (single side chest press, single arm row, Single leg RDL, Single arm overhead press). It forces you to engage your core, improves your balance, and you can address possible imbalances.
2. Favourite Health Foods
I have lot’s of favorite cheat foods. I love a good steak (there is nothing wrong with a nice piece of grass-fed beef and no, it is not unhealthy) but I also really enjoy a big salad with lots of colorful vegetables and enriched with a lean protein, of course, like tuna, steak, or grilled chicken.
3. Favourite 2018 Social Media Memory
When a client experiences a personal breakthrough – a goal achieved in the gym, a successful week of eating clean and healthy, a feeling of confidence over something that would have been too scary in the past – and then posts about it on social media– those are the social media memories I’m most proud of and so happy to see when they celebrate their own successes. It’s why I do what I do.
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
There are so many, but if I had to choose one goal than it is that I want to regain the strength and balance I lost due to an injury. When you hurt one part of your body, lot’s of other areas suffer, too. It’s all connected. Getting all that balanced out again takes some time. I’m excited to make everything work and feel perfectly balanced again.
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
- Amazon Music – so I can listen to my favorite music during my workout.
- KQED – I love public radio and am an avid supporter. I listen to KQED so I stay informed throughout the day.
- Seconds – with this app I can pre-program workouts and create any interval imaginable. I can even coordinate the intervals with my music.
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