A Complete Body Workout for Pregnant Women (Part-II)
is the concluding part of complete body workout for pregnant women
comprising of Lower Body workout aiming to workout the pelvic floor, stomach ,
legs, hips and thighs.
A warm-up
and stretching needs to be an essential part of your workout regime. Remember,
your body is more flexible during pregnancy due to the joints and ligaments
loosening, and this makes you even more susceptible to injury. Stretches should
be done in a slow manner - never overstretch, and no bouncing.
The stomach muscles bear most of the pressure of the body's changes during
pregnancy, and yet before pregnancy the muscles are rarely, if ever used.
Watching your stomach expand during the 40 weeks of pregnancy will give you some
idea how stretched your muscles become. It is essential you work the muscles to
muscles become. It is essential you work the muscles to keep them elastic and
strong. Strong well-conditioned muscles not only assist in the delivery of your
baby, but help you regain a flat tummy soon after.
The central abdominal muscles are those most susceptible to strain during
pregnancy. Some women experience muscle separation which may be very slight, or
up to 10 centimeters. It is important to check this separation, and if you have
difficulty in locating the rectus abdominus ask your doctor or prenatal
instructress. A simple way to check yourself is to lie flat on your back with
knees bent. Now raise your head and shoulders slowly about 20 centimeters off
the floor. Keep your chin tucked in. Have someone see how many fingers fit
horizontally between your muscles. It they can fit more than three fingers, your
muscles have separated to a point where you SHOULD NOT do any stomach exercises
that involve rotating the body, twisting the hips or bending the body to one
side, as these will aggravate the problem. You should only attempt corrective
exercises, and leave the more strenuous exercises until the gap has closed.
pregnant women, especially those over30 weeks, experience a dizzy or faint
feeling when lying on their back. The increased weight of the uterus and baby on
the major vessels returning blood to the heart causes a fall in blood pressure.
So, if you feel dizzy, only choose exercises that involve alternative positions
during later pregnancy..
your chin towards your chest, alternately criss-cross bent arms as you roll your
back down to half way (or to the floor) and on the way up. Do not arch your
back. Repeat 10 times. Note: The following exercises are not to be attempted if
your muscles have separated.
Sit with
your back straight, knees bent and your hands just below your knees. Keep your
feet about 30 centimeters apart. Gradually lean back, straightening your arms
and putting your chin towards your chest. Tighten your stomach muscles and hold
for 10 seconds. Slowly straighten your back, holding your head up and tighten
your stomach muscles and hold this position for another 10 seconds. Repeat 10
Roll your
back gently towards the floor as you sit with your knees bent and your feet
about 30 centimeters apart. Bend your arms so your elbow reaches towards your
opposite knee. Repeat 10 times.
on your back with knees bent and hands on thighs. Push the arch of your back to
the floor and slowly raise your head and shoulders, reaching towards your knees.
Make sure you do not curl up too far or you may strain your back or pinch your
stomach. Repeat between 5 and 10 times.
Sit with
your legs crossed, back straight and your elbows tucked into your waist.
Swinging your arms up and down gradually lean back as you lift your legs a few
centimeters off the ground. If you are over 30 weeks, leave your legs crossed on
the ground. Lean up and back working up to 10 repetitions.
pelvic floor is a group of muscles attached to the pelvis at the coccyx (tail
bone), public bone (at the front) and at the lower pelvic sides. The pelvic
floor muscles form the floor of the pelvic and support all your pelvic organs,
i.e. your uterus, bladder and bowel. A healthy pelvic floor is supple and firm
and especially important for pregnant women. During pregnancy the constant
pressure of a heavier uterus puts extra strain on the pelvic floor. Working the
pelvic floor provides these benefits:
working your pelvic floor each day with the following exercises.
with your legs apart and feet that on the floor. Drop your arms gracefully in
front of you. Gradually, with a straight back, bend your knees out over your
feet, and then straighten them. Work to a count of 4-4 down and 4 up. Do not let
your bottom stick out. Repeat 10 times.
exercise can be practiced in a variety of position e.g. sitting on a chair, or
lying down. For this particular example - stand with your knees bent slightly,
head tail and back straight. You are going to imagine you are in an elevator
going from the first to the fourth floor of a building. Contract the pelvic
muscles a little at a time, tightening them at each floor. Take them right
up to the fourth floor, where you are as tight as you possibly can be, and hold
for a count of 5. Then gradually release the muscles back to the ground floor.
Repeat as often as you can every day.
exercise limbers the pelvic region and strengthens the thighs. Stand with legs
about hip-distance apart and back straight. Gradually bend your knees and squat
down with your feet parallel or turned out. Try to keep your feet flat on t he
floor arms on your knees and relax into the squat and hold for a few moments.
Repeat often. Avoid this exercise if you have knee problem.
with your feet about hip distance apart and knees bent slightly. Keep your hands
on your waist. Without arching your back or moving your upper body, push your
pelvis slowly forward and upward. Repeat 10 times.
Lie on
your back with your knees bent. Your feet flat on the floor and about 30
centimeters apart. Press your lower back to the floor. Tighten and contract your
abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Hold for count of 5 Repeat 4 times.
exercise will strengthen the stomach and pelvic floor muscles and stretch the
inner things. Sit with a straight back (not arched) and the soles of your feet
together. Keep your knees wide apart. Rest your hands on your ankles. Tighten
and flatten your abdominal muscles and round your lower back. Tighten your
pelvic floor muscles at the same time. Gently relax all muscles as you use your
back to lift your body. Repeat 6 times.
hips, thick thighs and bulging calves are common figure problems, especially for
women. They may be partly due to fluid retention, but more often, they are
caused by lack or muscle use. During pregnancy, hormonal and circulatory
changes increase the possibility of blood clotting and varicose veins.
Exercising the legs and feet pumps the blood from your legs back to your heart
and may help prevent any problems. By developing strong, toned muscles in your
hips and thighs you will carry your extra weight with greater ease. The
following exercises will stretch the bulges, dispose of unwanted fat and help
reshape your legs and thighs:
Lie on
your side, with your bottom leg bent at the knee for support. Point your top leg
as you raise and lower it to just above your bottom leg. Repeat 10 times for
each leg.
exercise is specially for flabby inner thighs. You may have difficult doing this
one if you are over 30 weeks, as your tummy might be too big - if so, go on to
the next one. Lie on your side and rest the weight on one elbow. Bend the upper
leg and place the foot flat on the floor just in front of the tight of the
straight leg. Hold onto the call for support. Raise and lower the straight leg.
Making sure the foot is turned out. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
Lie on
your side and rest the weight on one elbow. Now bend your bottom leg at the knee
for support. Gently straighten your top leg towards the ceiling as you reach for
your foot. Then drop your leg back to your knee. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
Kneel on
fours with your hands shoulder-distance apart. Keep your back flat, do push your
tummy towards the ground. Raise your knee to the side and drop it back down,
Repeat 10 times for each leg.
Knee on
all fours with your hands shoulder-distance apart and keep you back flat. Slowly
bring one leg towards your tummy. Then extend a straight leg behind you. It is
important not to raise your leg above shoulder height. You must NOT arch your
back. Repeat up to 15 times for each leg.
Kneel on
all fours with your hands shoulder-distance apart and keep your back flat.
Slowly bring your left leg towards your shoulder. Then extend a straight leg
behind you again, as in the last two exercises: do not lift your leg above
shoulder height. Repeat up to 10 times for each leg.
On all
fours, with your hands shoulder-distance apart and a flat back, lift your left
knee to the side and straighten the leg. Then bend it and return it to the
starting position. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
buttocks, just like all other parts of the body, need hard work to be tight and
firm. Your buttocks should not grow during pregnancy as your tummy and breasts
grow. Your bottom should remain firm and toned, but it will only remain in this
state if you exercise it regularly. The following exercises will tighten and
lift those cheeks.
on your back, with bent knees, feet apart and flat on the floor, with arms at
sides. Lift your hips up, while keeping the back straight. Holding that
position, squeeze the knees together and press apart again. Repeat up to 10
Lie flat
on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees apart. Place your arms
beside you. Now lift and lower your button off the floor, squeezing your muscles
as your lift. Repeat up to 15 tines.
pregnancy and after the birth of your baby, you are more prone to back problems.
Your muscles have weakened and your ligaments softened. So it is vital you have
good posture and take care of your back to help prevent back pain and excessive
Kneel on
all fours, with your hands shoulder-distance apart and your back flat. Slowly
exhale and push waist up into a 'cat arch'. Pull buttocks and head under. Inhale
and return 10 starting position. Repeat 8 times and work up to 20 repetitions,
if you have been prone to lower back pain during pregnancy. Otherwise repeat up
to 25 times each day.
Lie on
your back, legs straight and arms alongside you, relaxed. Bend your legs and
bring them over your chest. Now, gently rock your legs straight down towards the
floor. You must not lift your lower back off the floor.
on your back with your knees bent towards your tummy, and arms relaxed beside
you. Twist to the right from your waist and lower your bent legs to the floor.
Make sure you leave both shoulders flat on the floor. Keeping your legs bent and
together, twist them across your body. Repeat up to 12 times.
Lie on
the floor with your knees bent, feel flat on the floor about hip-distance apart,
and arms relaxed beside you. Push the arch of your back towards the floor, then
very slowly peel your back off the floor, one vertebra at a time. Your lower
back, waist, middle back and finally shoulders. Make sure you do not arch your
back. Slowly roll your spine back to the floor. Repeat 4 times.
getting up, just take a minute or two to slowly stretch and relax.
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