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Svetlana Shkolina World Champion Women High Jump : Diet and Exercise
Shkolina of Russia won the women�s high jump at the world championships Saturday
with a leap of 6 feet, 8 inches, beating Brigetta Barrett of the United States
by 1� inches. She earned a bronze medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics. She set an
outdoor personal best of 2.03 metres at the 2012 Olympics. Her indoor personal
best is 2.00 metres, achieved in February 2010 in Arnstadt.
Svetlana Shkolina full name is Svetlana Vladimirovna Shkolina. She is 6'2" (187
cm) and weighs about 146 lbs (66 kg). She is 27 years of age. She has
affiliations to Trade Unions, Moskva, Russia.
Her brief set of top achievements once Olympic Games Bronze medallist, once
World Championships Gold medallist, once Olympic Games finalist, thrice World
Championships finalist and three times Diamond League meeting winner.
Characteristics of the Sport High Jump: High Jump is an event where the
competitors must jump over a bar at measured heights.
Training for High Jump: Elite �jumpers� train all year round concentrating on
speed endurance running, plyometric, and heavy strength weights in the
off-season. Coming into competition phase, the emphasis is on speed, specific
technical sessions in the pit and developing strength and power. Bounding and
technical sessions have a high physical impact on the body, therefore working on
flexibility and core strength is a year round focus.
Physical Characteristics for High Jump:
Power-to-weight ratio is important for �jumpers�, therefore maximising muscle
mass and maintaining low body fat levels is desirable. For all the events,
particularly high-jump, a significant vertical leap is advantageous.
Common Nutrition Issues
Training Nutrition for High Jump:
Jumpers need to consume sufficient carbohydrate to fuel training needs, however
carbohydrate requirements do not reach the level of endurance-type athletes.
Given this, daily carbohydrate should reflect daily exercise levels. Jumpers
need to be mindful of maintaining low body fat levels but still need to eat a
sufficient variety and quantity of food to meet nutritional requirements and
allow for the development of muscle mass. Diets need to be nutrient-dense. This
is best achieved by including a wide variety of nutrient-dense carbohydrate
sources such as bread, cereal, fruit, vegetables and sweetened dairy products in
the diet. Moderate portions of lean sources of protein such as lean meat,
chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy foods, lentils and tofu should also be on the menu.
Energy-dense foods such as cakes, pastries, lollies, soft drinks, chocolate,
alcohol and takeaways should be used sparingly.
Appropriate snacks need to be included before and after training to maximise
performance during training and to promote recovery. The quantity should match
the intensity and duration of the ensuing training session with an emphasis
towards carbohydrate for the sprinting sessions and carbohydrate/protein for
weight training.
A good base diet will provide adequate nutrients and energy to enhance
adaptations from training, support optimal recovery and avoid excessive
food-related stress.
Low-Body Fat Levels for High Jump:
Power-to-weight ratio is an important determinate of performance. Jumpers
require low body fat levels whilst being strong and muscular. Low body-fat
levels usually occur naturally for male athletes, however, they often need to
reduce total body mass leading into the competition phase. Some of the
additional muscle mass gained in off-season weight training is not sport
specific, therefore needs to be trimmed to achieve an ideal body composition for
competition. Female jumpers often need to manipulate their food intake and
training to achieve their desired body fat levels.
Jumpers needing to reduce their body fat level should target excess kilojoules
in the diet. In particular, excess fat, sugary foods and alcohol can add
unnecessary kilojoules and would be better replaced with more nutrient-dense
Preparation for Competition for High Jump:
Since jumps will not deplete muscle glycogen stores, the day of competition is
best tackled with glycogen stores topped up to their usual resting level. This
can be achieved with the athlete�s usual carbohydrate intake and 24-36 hours of
rest or very light training.
Hydration and gastrointestinal comfort are important considerations
pre-competition. Jumpers need to feel comfortable, confident and �light� on the
runway. A reduced fibre intake may be helpful in the 24-36 hours before
competition. Products such as liquid meal supplements may be useful as a
pre-event meal.
Competition Day Food and Fluid for High Jump:
A single jump involves only a brief explosion of energy and does not
significantly affect muscle glycogen stores. However, competition may drag out
for many hours whilst each competitor takes a turn. Qualifying rounds usually
last for two hours or more. The main focus of competition eating in these events
is to maintain blood glucose levels, maintain hydration and maintain a
comfortable stomach.
Sports drinks are useful to assist with meeting fuel and fluid needs during
competition. It is important to experiment in training so that you can be
confident of your routine on competition day.
Work out exercises for high jump:
Improve your hip mobility, core strength, and explosiveness�all critical to
generating speed�with this superset.
Frog jump
Squat and touch the ground with both hands, keeping your arms straight. Then
explode into the air, raising your knees as high as they'll go. Do 10 reps.
Dumbbell lunge
Stand with your weight balanced and feet slightly apart, holding dumbbells at
your sides at arm's length. Take a long step forward with your right foot,
bending your right knee and lowering your body until the top of your right thigh
is parallel to the ground. Keeping your torso upright, push back to standing.
Repeat with your left leg. Do 10 reps with each leg.
Hanging leg raises
Hang from a bar using an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Bend your knees and
raise your hips until your thighs are near your chest. Pause, and then lower
your legs. Do 10 reps.
Rest 2 minutes, and then do the superset 2 more times.
Vegan diet for a high-performance athlete.
The most common criticism of plant-based diets for serious athletes is that it�s
difficult to get enough protein. As Mr. Jurek points out, the basic challenge of
getting enough boils down to taking the time and effort to eat enough
protein-rich plant foods like spinach and lentils. But there�s also the more
subtle question of protein quality. Research by McMaster University researcher
Stuart Phillips and others has shown that dairy protein stimulates muscle
synthesis most effectively compared to other types of protein, like that found
in soy.
While this may not be a problem for vegetarians, vegans � who don�t consume any
dairy products � might consequently have a less-than-optimal response to
strength training.�It�s not that plant-based proteins can�t get the job done,�
Dr. Phillips says. �They can, but the concept of complementary proteins has to
be followed.� This idea � that vegetarians need to combine proteins from
different sources like grains and legumes at each meal in order to obtain
�complete� proteins � has fallen from favour in recent years, but Dr.
Phillips�s research suggests that vegan athletes can still benefit from it,
especially for post-workout meals.
Another issue is iron: though leafy greens like kale and spinach are excellent
sources of iron, only about 10 per cent of iron from plant sources can be
absorbed by the body, compared to 18 per cent from animal sources. Female
endurance athletes, in particular, are prone to low iron levels, so they may
need to consider iron supplements if tests show their levels are low. A 2010
review in the journal Current Sports Medicine Reports identified several other
micronutrients that vegan and vegetarian athletes may be deficient in.
Zinc, vitamin B-12 and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA are all crucial for physical
performance and are either hard to absorb or hard to get enough of from plant
sources, so the authors recommend taking supplements. For vegans, calcium may
also be a concern with a dairy-less diet. Foods like bok choy and kale, as well
as seeds and nuts, provide good sources of calcium that can be readily absorbed
by the body, so they should be emphasized.
Relatively few studies have attempted to directly compare the performance of
vegetarian and omnivorous athletes, but the results have generally been
favourable. One in 1970 found no difference in lung function and thigh muscle
size; another in 1986 found no difference in serum protein levels; and a 1989
study found no difference in finishing time for a 1,000-kilometre run.
�I don�t think there is any evidence that a vegetarian or vegan diet is any
�better� or �worse� for performance,� says Asker Jeukendrup, a nutrition
researcher and the global senior director of research for the Gatorade Sports
Science Institute in Illinois, �but you will have to be much more aware of what
you are eating.� That�s a nearly universal piece of advice when people discuss
plant-based diets for high-performance athletes � and perhaps it should be seen
as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. To eat with more attention and
greater mindfulness sounds like a good idea, whatever your dietary persuasion or
athletic aspirations happen to be.
If you have a few extra pounds and want to maximize your vertical jump, fat
burning strategies that don't detract from your levels of muscular power are
vital. Having a high power to weight ratio is a key determinant of how high you
can jump. Fat doesn't contribute to your power, only to your weight. This is
most undesirable in regards to jumping.
Fat burning therefore is a must if you want to maximize your vertical.
The benefits of reducing your body fat aren't just limited to higher jumping
either. It also means a reduction of impact every time you land. This decreases
injuries, increases durability, and reduces recovery time from workouts. And
this is only the start. There is a whole host of other health related benefits
that come with a concerted fat burning effort.
The conundrum of this for the vertical jump training athlete is that traditional
fat burning methods often call for long duration, moderate to low intensity
workouts. Jumping is a very quick, very high intensity action. Long slow
training will therefore negatively impact your vertical. So how do you shed the
extra pounds without sacrificing your explosiveness? Read on to find out.
Diet for High jumpers
First thing you can do to reduce body fat is to look at your diet. The obvious
thing here is that by reducing your food intake and eating healthier options,
you reduce your total calorie intake to below maintenance levels. This causes
your body to eat into its fat stores and consequently you will lose weight.
This, in a nutshell, is the basic premise of dieting and applies to anyone
trying to lose weight.
The trouble with dieting is that you often also lose muscle. In order to
minimize this you should try and keep your protein intake relatively high. You
might also try a CLA and or HMB supplement which research suggests can prevent
muscle breakdown, particularly for those on calorie restricted diets.
Another important point to remember about dieting is that once you have achieved
your fat loss goals you need to re-assess your food requirements. The reason for
this is that once your body is at a state of readiness, i.e. not covered in fat,
your diet will play a huge role in how well you can train, how well you can
recover, and basically, how quickly you develop your vertical leap.
You may also want to implement a few more advanced strategies with regard to
food timing and macro-nutrient manipulation that can really ramp up your
metabolism and help you lose body fat pretty quickly.
The first couple of these advanced strategies to think about both involve
carbohydrate manipulation. These techniques are carbohydrate tapering and
high-low carbohydrate days.
Carb tapering basically refers to the practice of eating the bulk of your carbs
earlier in the day so that you have more time to utilize them.
Hi-Lo carb days are where you have 2 or 3 days of low carbohydrate intake
followed by a day of much higher carb intake. This has the effect of teaching
your body to use its stored energy for fuel (i.e. your body fat), and the high
carb days tell your body that it is still getting enough carbs so that there
isn't any need to store them up.
High Intensity Cardio for High jumpers
Basically doing long duration - medium to low intensity, cardiovascular activity
is a huge no-no when it comes to vertical jump training. You want to train your
muscles to contract with maximum force in minimum time. This does not involve
going for a 40 minute jog, a 1.5km swim, or any other form of activity that is
sub maximal for extended periods. You most definitely do not want your muscles
learning how to go slow at less than 100% effort.
High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short. There is some debate about
what is the best method of exercise for fat burning, whether it be long duration
slow intensity, moderate intensity, weights, or HIIT. This debate however isn't
focused on the needs of explosive athletes. HIIT may not be as 100% effective as
low intensity-high duration cardio, but what it does do is ensure that fat is
burnt in a manner that is in alignment with the explosive athletes training
HIIT involves picking a cardio activity of your choice, then after doing a warm
up of 5 minutes or so, proceeding to do 15 - 20 minutes of that activity using
bursts of very high intensity for approximately 10 - 15 seconds interspersed
with rest periods of anywhere between 20 and 100 seconds.
HIIT recumbent bike workout might be:
Warm up: 3 Minutes
15 x 10 second intervals @ 125 rpm on level 15
Rest periods being 50 seconds @ 80 rpm on level 10
What this does is it not only burns fat in a manner that is more better for
maintaining your explosiveness than lower intensity cardio training, but also:
Burns more total calories per pound of body weight. Boosts growth hormone
levels. Focuses your training on short duration, high intensity bursts (similar
to running in for a dunk) Elevates the body's metabolism throughout the entire
day. A word of warning before you do this though. High intensity training is
very taxing. Like ALL forms of training you should build up. If you are fairly
new to athletic training you should keep your high intensity bursts shorter, use
less resistance, and also pedal at a lower cadence. As you get fitter and
faster, then slowly build up these three intensity variables.
If you feel light headed, dizzy etc at all whilst performing this type of
activity (or any type of activity for that matter) you should stop immediately.
The best exercise to use for this method in terms of fat burning potential is
sprint training, however if you are a little heavy it is also harder on your
joints than the bike option outlined here.
The other forms of activity that I highly recommend for HIIT work are skipping
with a jump rope and kettlebell swings. Bruce Lee claimed that 10 minutes of
skipping was better than a 30 minute jog. Whilst the factuality of this
statement might be debatable, what isn't doubted is how great skipping is.
Jumping rope is not only a fantastic fat burning exercise, but it also helps
improve your co-ordination, and it will help make you very light and springy on
your feet. The best way to use a jump rope for fat burning is to concentrate on
speed. Go as fast as you can.
HIIT using a skipping rope can be performed with longer training intervals due
to the relatively short ground contact time. A good workout involves intervals
of 20 -30 seconds on, followed by 30-40 seconds rest. Provided your diet is ok,
and depending on how much fat you have to lose, 3 or 4 sessions of 10-20 minute
interval work a week will have you well on the way to being ripped.
High rep kettle bell swings are another excellent choice because of the way they
target many of the same muscles as jumping (glutes and hamstrings in
particular). Another "fun" way to use kettle bells for fat loss is by performing
Tabata work. A Tabata interval is essentially 4 minutes of hell. You work at
maximum intensity for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. You repeat this 8 times
for a total workout of 4 minutes. It is gut busting to say the least but that 4
minutes can really burn some fat - provided it doesn't kill you of course.
Weight Training for High jumpers.
One of the most effective methods of fat burning is weight training. Luckily for
you, a vital ingredient to maximizing your vertical jump is in fact a solid
weights program. The nature of the lifting required for vertical jump
development isn't necessarily that great for fat loss. You should be focusing on
training the muscles involved in jumping, and you should be lifting as
explosively as possible for low reps (1-6) to stimulate muscular power
improvements not hypertrophy.
From a fat loss perspective bodybuilding (i.e hypertrophy training) does have an
advantage over power training. As you build more muscle your resting metabolism
increases, meaning you burn more calories as you rest. Power training tends to
develops muscular strength and power, not necessarily muscular size. The moral
of the story is that lifting weights in the explosive, low rep manner described
above won't put your body into the same sort of anabolic, fat burning zone as
hypertrophy focused lifting. However, it will still burn fat, build muscle, and
most importantly, help you develop incredible jumping capabilities.
Svetlana Shkolina present world champion in women high jump was born in
Yartsevo. As a teenager she won the silver medals at the 2003 World Youth
Championships and the 2004 World Junior Championships and the gold medal at the
2005 European Junior Championships. Her personal bests were 1.88 metres in 2003
(Krasnodar, May), 1.91 metres in 2004 (Grosseto, WJC, July) and 1.92 metres in
2005 (Mannheim, June). In 2007 she won another gold medal, at the 2007 European
U23 Championships, where both Shkolina and Adonia Steryiou cleared 1.92 metres
but failed at 1.95 metres. She also improved her personal best to 1.96 metres in
Tula in June 2007, having only managed to equal 1.92 metres the 2006 season.
Her first major international senior championship was the 2008 Olympic Games,
where she finished fourteenth with a jump of 1.93 metres. Her season's best was
1.98 metres, achieved in July in Kazan. In 2009 she equalled this height in
January in Rijeka before finishing fourth at the 2009 European Indoor
Championships. She finished fourth again at the 2009 European Team
Championships, by equalling her personal best for the third time in the Super
League competition in Leiria. At the 2009 World Championships and the 2009 World
Athletics Final she finished sixth; with 1.96 and 1.94 metres respectively.
In early 2010 she broke the 2-metre barrier as she cleared 2.00 metres at the
Hochsprung mit Musik event in Arnstadt in February. She contended with Blanka
Vla�ic who eventually set a world leading mark of 2.06 metres. In the next three
international championships she ended on the unlucky 4th place: In March 2010 at
the World Indoor Championships in Doha, Qatar (1.96 m), in August at the
European Championships in Barcelona (1.92 m) and in March 2011 at the European
Athletics Indoor Championships in Paris (1.92 m). In July she managed to beat
Vla�ic at the high jump meeting in Eberstadt, Germany. Shkolina managed 1.99 m,
while Vla�ic stopped at 1.97 m.
Shkolina won a bronze medal at the high jump at the 2012 Summer Olympics with a
height of 2.03 m. Shkolina won the gold medal at the high jump at the 2013 World
Championships in Athletics in Moscow equating her personal best with a height of
2.03 m.
Dated 20 August 2013