Striking for time efficient workouts in 2010
One thing that won't change in 2010? Our time-crunched schedules. We're busy
and we don't want to waste time with long, boring
workouts. The result of this
trend will be shorter, higher
intensity workouts.
How To
Warm up with 5-10 minutes of light
cardio (walking, marching in place,
Perform each exercise one after the other for 30-60 seconds, modifying as
Complete all ten exercises for a 10 minute workout, or repeat the series
2-3 more times for a longer workout.
Cool down with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and
Sip water throughout the workout
Monitor your intensity - RPE should be between 6-9.
Squats with Overhead Press
Holding medium-heavy weights just over the shoulders,
squat as low as you
can and do 3 slow pulses, only coming halfway up. On the 4th pulse,
stand up and push the weights overhead. Repeat the series for 12-16 reps.
Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to
your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a
position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. Perform 6 reps, briefly
recover, repeat 6 more times.
Froggy jumps
Squat to the floor and, in an explosive movement, push up from the floor,
jumping up in the air and tapping your heels together. Land with bent knees and
go back into your squat to prepare for the next jump. Repeat for 10 reps, rest
for a few seconds and repeat.
Side to Side Lunges
Hold a medicine ball or dumbbell and take the feet wide, toes slightly out.
Lunge to the right, sitting into the heel and taking the weight towards the
floor. Press back up and lunge to the left, repeating for 1 minute. Try to
squat as low as you can, keeping the knee behind the toe and squeezing the
Alternating Chest Press
Lie on a bench or ball with medium-heavy weights. Start with elbows bent and
press the right arm up over the chest, leaving the left arm in place. Lower the
right arm and then press the left arm up. Continue alternating arms for 1
Wall Sit with Chest Squeeze
Hold a medicine ball (or just press the hands together if you have no
equipment) and slide down the wall until your
thighs are parallel to the floor
while squeezing the ball. Hold this position and keep pressure on the ball as
your straighten the arms out in front of you and slowly pull them back in.
Repeat the chest squeezes in and out for 30-60 seconds and stand up.
Front Raise with Triceps Extension
Sit or stand and hold light-medium weights at your sides. Keeping the palms
facing each other, lift the arms up to shoulder level and then continue to take
the arms up overhead until the arms are next to the ears. Bend the elbows and
lower the weights behind the head. Straighten the arms and sweep them back down,
repeating for 1 minute.
Deadlifts with shrugs
Stand with feet hip distance apart holding dumbbells facing thighs. Tip from
the hips and lower upper body towards the floor-back flat, knees slightly bent
and dumbbells close to the body. Squeeze butt to raise up and, still at a slight
angle, shrug the shoulders up towards the ears. Lower the shoulders and repeat,
alternating deadlifts and
Crazy 8 Biceps Curls
Hold medium-heavy weights and curl the weights up for 8 reps. For the next 8
reps, start at the bottom and curl halfway up. For the last 8 reps start at the
top and lower halfway down. Repeat the series one time.
Pushups/Side Planks
In pushup position (on knees or toes), perform one pushup. As you come up,
shift weight to left arm, twist to the side while bringing the right arm up
towards the ceiling in a side plank. Lower the arm back to the floor for
another pushup and then twist to the other side. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.
This short workout alternates dynamic, total body
strength moves with high
intensity, high impact power moves so you focus on both strength and cardio.
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