Start - Keep - Stop Exercise to Stay Fit in 2013

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Start - Keep - Stop Exercise to Stay Fit in 2013Its time to clarify and re-define your goals for 2013 and rock all through the year. Catch on the latest exercise routine called, The  Start - Keep - Stop exercise.

Stop:  Make a promise and pursue to stay away from Negative Thinking this year.  When we are in a negative state we do not attract those elements that would make our lives rich and advance; rather we attract the circumstances that support us in thinking something is wrong, and we get stuck. Negative views like, `I'm no good', `Life has no meaning', and `I will always feel this way' can trap you in a vicious circle. The more depressed you become, the more negative thoughts you have, and the more you believe them. The more negative thoughts you have, and the more you believe them, the more depressed you become. Leaving no space for improvement. There are two tasks you need to pursue: If boredom strikes, take the negative thought, identify it and figure out why you're having the thought, second,  surround yourself with positive people, thoughts and positive situations.  Just Do That!

Other "stops" could include eliminating frenzied eating habits, inadequate judgment, exuberant buying habits (or lack of budget altogether), undisciplined lifestyle -- or time management. Eat a healthy diet. Handle foods safely. Avoid obesity.

Keep: Identify and continue to do those things that strengthen you physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the essence of positive living. How you handle your daily issues has a powerful impact on your personality and health status. According to an old Chinese proverb β€œIt is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”

Start - Keep - Stop Exercise to Stay Fit in 2013In order to make the task of losing weight or leading a healthier lifestyle in general a little easier, it's best to keep taking one step at a time. If you break down the task into small steps you'll find it to be much easier than taking the huge leap many dieters do. In fact, many of those who do take it as a big leap tend to revert to their old ways more so than those who break it down. Instead of taking full responsibility for your weight problem, you can assess the many factors that may have contributed to it and address those issues with the support of others. Set a realistic agenda. Ask yourself, "What would it be worth to me to stop my unhealthy eating? How hard am I willing to work on a rational solution?" Evaluate weight maintenance progress based upon the process β€” the effort you put in β€” rather than the outcome. Your efforts are within your control, but the outcome may not. Substitute language that is less emotionally loaded. "I shouldn't have eaten that extra helping" can be redefined as, "It would have been preferable if I hadn't eaten more."

Keep loving yourself, for, when you love yourself, just as you are RIGHT NOW, you are able to easily generate the emotions that motivate you to take care of yourself and do what needs to be done to be healthy every day. 

Start:  Work on the actions or activities you should start to stay fit. Maybe you need to lose weight, increase strength, build muscle tone or strength. Whatever you can dream of you can achieve here. Recognition of opportunity is the first step.  

Step 1: Cut Out the Pop
Step 2: Get Moving
Step 3: Eat More Veggies
Step 4: Drink Water
Step 5: Pump Iron
Step 6: Put down cream
Step 7: Smile & Smile!


Follow this Stop-Keep-Start exercise to stay committed to  your Fitness Goals in 2013. WF team promises to stay committed towards health Appraisal of one and all.  Bye and see you in the new year.

Don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work.

Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated 27 December 2012


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