Ms. Namita Nayyar: What Exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?
Ms. Natalie Burn: My main exercise that I’ve had since I was three is ballet class. When you are a trained ballerina for so many years, every early morning you start your day with that ballet. That desire to stretch and move your body in a certain way, it stays with you for the rest of your life. I’m an athlete, and my body needs that training or my muscles start to ache. Until now, I still stretch every day and try to exercise my muscles with dance movements.
On top of that, I’ve been intrigued by kickboxing, martial arts, and film fighting. It’s a great pleasure to know that in an action film, I can do by myself more than what’s required from an actress. I’ve been trained by the best sensei, in the world of movies people know him as, Benny “The Jet,” who trained only the top people like Jackie Chan, John Cusack, etc. I have another inspiration in my life: my dog Camelia. She’s a great motivation that pushes me to jog or walk in the park no matter what the circumstances may be. Camelia always gets to refresh my body and my thoughts which gives me new strength for the day to come.
In addition, I do Interval cardiovascular work between 20-40 mins before breakfast on an empty stomach, 3-5 times per week depending on my schedule. This could be swimming, running or gym cardio. Just enough to get my heart rate up and utilize calorie burning from the right energy systems to manage my weight and body fat percentage.
Also, I do a split routine weights program, 3-4 times per week focusing on different muscle groups in each workout. I do have a plan but I listen to how my body feels and make sure I hit each muscle group at least once per week. I like doing PHA (Peripheral Heart Action) training with an upper body and lower body muscle group split, I regularly do shoulders and legs together this really gets you breathing, it’s almost like resistance cardio but shapes and tones your muscles at the same time. I always make sure I have 1-2 rest days per week from any weights work that I do to let my body recover properly. I like to challenge myself in the gym, so I try to do 3-4 sets of each exercise and tend to super set exercises back to back, usually hitting a minimum of 10 maximum of 15 reps per set.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What does you diet consist of that allows you to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Natalie Burn: I keep it pretty simple unless I’m training specifically for a role or a certain look. The base of my diet revolves around quite a high protein intake, moderate carbohydrates and moderate fats, I tend to have most of my carbs in the morning and around my workouts then taper them off towards the last couple of meals of the day, I usually have 4-5 smaller meals per day.
If I’m looking to get leaner I’ll use a basic carbohydrate manipulation system, cycling my carbs over a 7 day period, usually starting with a moderate carb intake then tapering down to low days and a zero day, then spike this at the end of the week with a high carb day. I eat lots of fresh lean meat, complex carbohydrates and fibrous carbs from vegetables, basically eliminating all sugars from my diet.
I do allow myself a couple of cheat meals and little bit of what I want on my high carb day, the way the diet is structured your body will utilize these nutrients instead of storing them. In this industry you find yourself eating out a lot, whether it’s on set or in meetings but the key is making the right choices from what is available. I don’t drink alcohol so there are no empty calories going in, just clean wholesome food that keeps my energy levels high and body fit and lean. If you have a strong body and strong mind, there is nothing you can’t achieve.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. What is your skin regiment that keeps it looking young and glowing? What do you use for your hair?
Ms. Natalie Burn: I never even tried drinking, smoking, or taken any other substances. I’ve always thought that life should be felt all the way, whether it is pain or happiness, disappointments or achievements, sadness or laughter. I never wished to suspend or dismiss any of those feelings or emotions that life threw my way. With that being said, I hope that I will stay looking younger longer than others that don’t have my discipline. As far as skin and hair, I like natural treatments that come from traditional remedies. Something that my grandma taught me, a little secret on how to keep your hair looking glowing is to take an egg and mix it with honey and lemon. Make a mask for your hair for twenty minutes or so. Wash it off after and your hair will feel refreshed and healthy. For my face, I use this magical remedy called sleep There is nothing that can cure tiredness better than rest.
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