Diet Slimming Perfume: The Latest in Weight Loss

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Diet Slimming Perfume: The Latest in Weight Loss

According to Vee Koppelman, founder of beauty supplies site VZ Hair, “Diet Slimming Perfume is a fantastic new product for dieters and those keen to lose a few pounds before baring all on the beach or at a summer wedding.”

The fragrance works on the principal of suppressing the appetite by signaling the "satiety center" of the hypothalamus part of the brain to release appetite-suppressing hormones. The fresh-smelling perfume is made from seaweed, herbs and concentrated oils. Just roll it on to your wrist or hand and take a whiff when a snack craving hits. Besides, sniffing the perfume is also said to improve circulation, give the immune system a boost and increase energy levels.

Note that, Diet Slimming Perfume isn’t the first of its kind. Last year, French company, Velds, released ‘Prends Moi’, which claimed to help dieters ‘slim with pleasure’.


The Hunger Suppressant Hormone

Scientists in 2005 had discovered a hunger hormone: a competing hormone that seems to counter the urge to eat. The substance, named obestatin, has been tested on rats. Surprisingly, normal-weight rats injected with obestatin cut their food intake in half, leading to a 20 percent drop in weight over eight days. The hormone can help unravel the complex ways that the body regulates weight.

Obestatin had slow down the emptying of rodents' stomachs and the movement of food through the intestines, important steps in countering ghrelin's hunger-inducing effects.  

The stomach does not work alone, but is part of a complex gut-brain network where hormones and other substances in the stomach and intestines signal the brain about fullness or hunger. Moreover, the researchers also discovered the receptor where obestatin binds to cells so it can regulate gastrointestinal functions.

Another hormone, Peptide YY – also known as PYY – helps to regulates hunger. It’s released into the blood stream in the stomach, but nothing really starts to happen until it reaches the hypothalamus; a small region of the brain that drives a wide variety of behaviors, including eating, drinking, pleasure, anger and embarrassment. So for anyone who struggles to reduce calorie intake, it might be very beneficial to find a way to naturally trigger PYY production and sidetrack the desire to eat.

If a perfume can manage food craving and boost metabolism, it's good, but we cannot forget that  the key to sustainable weight loss is adopting a healthy life style through good nutrition and exercise.

Healthy Tricks to Suppress Appetite

  • Diet Slimming Perfume: The Latest in Weight LossChoose lean protein in your diet.  They keep you fuller than other nutrients and your body takes more time to digest and absorb them.

  • Feast on potatoes.  They contain a special type of starch that resists digestive enzymes. Because potatoes take a while to break down, they stay in your intestine longer, delaying the onset of hunger pangs. Potatoes baked or soaked in vinegar are healthy option.

  • Make unsaturated fat 20% of your daily calorie intake.  Unsaturated fat found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados, helps quash hunger, according to a study in the journal Cell Metabolism.

  • Get Moving: The American Journal of Physiology states that 60 minutes of high-intensity cardio can reduce appetite for up to two hours afterward.

  • Feast on fruits and vegetables. In a study at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, people who ate half agrapefruit with each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds in three months.



Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated 21 June 2013


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