Bariatric Surgery: an Option for Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction

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Sex is an important part of quality life. More than half of women who seek bariatric surgery report signs of sexual dysfunction and, consequentially, psychological stress.

"A massive weight loss following bariatric surgery is associated with significant improvements in quality of life,"  according to a study's lead author David Sarwer, PhD, professor of Psychology in Psychiatry and Surgery in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He further added "This is one of the first studies to show that women also experience improvements in their sexual functioning and satisfaction, as well as significant improvements in their reproductive hormones."

Researchers followed 106 women with an average Body Mass Index of 44.5 who underwent bariatric surgery (85 had gastric bypass and 21 had gastric banding procedures).

 Following surgery, the women lost an average of 32.7 percent of their original body weight after the first year, and 33.5 percent at the end of the second year.



  • Two years after surgery, women reported significant improvements across all categories of sexual function, sex hormones and quality of life.

  • Improvements were seen in overall sexual function as well as specific areas of sexual function including desire, arousal, lubrication, and overall satisfaction.

  • There were significant improvements in all hormone levels of interest, which may impact both sexual behavior as well as fertility. While the study did not look directly at the correlation between surgically induced weight loss and reproductive status, they did find indirect evidence that there may be a potential impact, based on improvements in fertility-related hormone levels. Women who underwent bariatric surgery and lost approximately 40% of their initial weight experienced significant decreases in estradiol, total testosterone, and free testosterone, as well as increases in sex hormone�binding globulin and follicle-stimulating hormone levels.

  • Women reported improvements in all domains of health and weight-related quality of life, as well as improvements in body image, depressive symptoms and relationship satisfaction.
    The study was done as an adjunct part of Phase 2 of the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery consortium (LABS-2).


Weight loss linked to Sex Life

Benefits of weight loss include

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mobility

  • Elevated self-esteem.

These factors have a positive effect on your love life.

One should not ignore that, being  overweight contributes to depression.  Losing extra weight will help you gain confidence and improve related  health condition.




Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated  05 September 2013


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