Bamboo Shoots: Amazing Health Benefits

Bamboo shoots or bamboo sprouts are the edible shoots (new bamboo culms that
come out of the ground) of many bamboo species including Bambusa vulgaris and
hyllostachys edulis. They are used in numerous Asian dishes and broths. They are
sold in various processed shapes, and are available in fresh, dried, and canned
A staple in Asian cuisine, bamboo has been eaten by the Chinese for more than
2,500 years. Yet, in this country, bamboo is most recognized for its
non-culinary roles in construction, furniture and textiles. That isn't to say
Americans don't appreciate the subtle sweet flavour and distinct tender crunch
of bamboo shoots in their stir fry and curry--it just hasn't crossed into
mainstream American menus yet. But as studies continue to reveal the health
benefits of these little shoots, that may soon change.
Mostly of the Phyllostachys species, edible bamboo shoots are best when
harvested early, just as they surface from the ground. Shoots are primarily
consumed in countries such as India, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, Philippines,
China, Japan and Uganda, and are commonly used in all types of Asian dishes,
from snacks and salads to soups and fried rice.
In a study recently published in the journal Nutrition, it was shown that women
who consumed bamboo shoots for six days experienced an average reduction of 16.1
mg/dl in their LDL level (good cholesterol) when compared to controls who didn't
eat them. This is good news if you're looking for a natural way to bring
cholesterol levels down without the side effects of medications.
Bamboo shoots are available in fresh or canned versions. Fresh bamboo shoots can
last for up to two week when they are properly refrigerated and away from
sunlight or else, the shoots will develop bitter taste. On the other hand, even
canned versions can be stored for some time. It is recommended to cook them as
quickly as possible. But, before cooking fresh bamboo shoots, it is highly
recommended to boil them partially or soak them in water overnight, as some
species may contain cyanide.
Nutrition Facts:
In one cup sliced bamboo shoots contained 14 calories, one-third fat, and
1.2 grams of fibre (the equivalent of half a serving of brown rice). By the
body, fibre is needed as facilitating digestion and prevents the emergence of a
variety of cardiovascular diseases. Such as deep vein thrombosis, hypertension,
coronary heart disease, and excess cholesterol.
In addition, there are 640 mg of potassium; the amount is equivalent to 1.5
times more potassium content in bananas. Potassium is a mineral needed by the
body to move the muscles, keep blood pressure and fluid balance. Potassium
deficiency can cause joint and muscle pain.
Bamboo shoots are also enriched with mineral deposits such as calcium,
potassium, manganese, zinc, chromium and iron. Other ingredients are there on
bamboo shoots are vitamins. Such as vitamin A, B6, and E. These foods also
contain a 17 amino acid protein. Because it acts as an antioxidant and shoots
free-radical scavengers. Amelinda according to Angela, STP, researchers from
Nutrifood Research Centre.
The May 2011 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published a
review of modern bamboo shoot research, reporting nutritional benefits due to
the presence of cholesterol-lowering phytosterols and polyphenols, which have
been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Health Benefits of Bamboo Shoots
Helps in losing weight: Bamboo shoots are weight loss friendly.
When we look at the amount of calories, carbohydrates and sugars contained
in bamboo shoots, we would be amazed that their presence is almost
negligible. This makes it an ideal food for those people who want to lose
weight, but also who want their stomachs to be full.
Heart friendly: According to research phytosterols and
phytonutrients found in bamboo shoots are ideal for dissolving harmful LDL
cholesterol in the body. Thus easing out arteries for smooth supply of blood
throughout the body.
cholesterol: Consumption of bamboo shoots is also helpful in decreasing
LDL levels of cholesterol, with stable glucose levels. This was due to the
fact that bamboo shoots contained negligible amounts of fat and very low
calories. Research conducted by Park and Jhon at the Washington State
University, showed that consumption of bamboo shoots had favourable effects
on cholesterol, lipid and bowel function.
Fights cancer: Research studies conducted on bamboos have
indicated that leaves of bamboos consist of Phytosterols such as flavone,
amylase and chlorophyll. Out of these, chlorophyll showed properties of
controlling mutations and cancer.
Strengthening immune system: The vitamins and minerals in bamboo
shoots are ideal for improving immune system. The vitamins minerals and
antioxidants present in bamboo shoots are essential in strengthening the
body from the inside.
High supply of dietary fibre: The amount of dietary fibre in
bamboo shoots is high. Consuming sufficient dietary fibre is essential for
easy digestion and free bowel movement.
Including bamboo shoots in dinner can be a very good idea to lose
weight. With lack of any physical activity during night time, taking food
with less calories and high fibre helps lose weight easily.
Anti-inflammatory properties: According to research conducted by
Muniappan and Sundararaj, bamboo shoots possess anti-inflammatory, and
analgesic or pain-killing properties.
It helps in healing of ulcers as well. Juice of bamboo shoots can also be
used as a medicine for external wounds and ulcers.
Respiratory disorders: Bamboo shoots have been known to be
effective against respiratory disorders. A decoction of the shoots can be
prepared by boiling the shoots twice. The first boil for 5 minutes followed
by second boil for about 10 minutes. The decoction can be taken along with
Possible cure for poisoning: In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian
science of medicine and life style, it is believed that bamboo extracts
contain anti-venomous properties. They are useful in cases of both snake and
scorpion bites.
Uterotonic properties: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that
bamboo shoots can cause uterine contractions. It is used as a medicine
during the last month of pregnancy when the delivery date is still pending.
According to research paper submitted by Gruber and O�Brien at the
University of Vienna, bamboo is one of the many plants which have been
listed among uterotonic plants.
Stomach disorders: Bamboo shoots are useful in treating stomach
disorders Apart from bamboo shoots, bamboo leaves are also suggested as a
remedy for intestinal worms and stomach disorders as well.
Wound cleaning: Bamboo shoots are also used for cleaning wounds
and sores.
Lower blood pressure: Bamboo shoots contain high amounts of
potassium. Potassium is highly beneficial as an electrolyte and it is also
very good for lowering and maintaining blood pressure.
With these benefits from bamboo shoots, it is highly recommended for a
healthy lifestyle. Although it may be difficult to find fresh bamboo shoots at
your local grocery store, they're available in cans in many stores that carry
international grocery items. If you're able to find fresh bamboo shoots, they're
usually prepared by boiling for twenty to thirty minutes in salted water. It's
critical that they be boiled for this length of time since this helps to remove
their cyanogenic glycosides which can be toxic. It also helps to eliminate the
natural bitterness they have when raw. To avert this problem, buy them canned at
your local grocery store. Canned bamboo shoots are ready to use once you remove
the lid. Try adding them to stir fries for a healthy dose of fiber and
potassium. They're a healthy, low calorie option you'll grow to love.
Namita Nayyar (WF Team)
Dated 10 August 2013