Check out as Actress Alexandra Paul reveals her fitness tips and shares her Baywatch Journey, in a candid interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have appeared in over 95 feature films and television programs and are internationally recognized for your 5-year starring role as Lt. Stephanie Holden in the TV Series BAYWATCH. You’ve recently launched your wellness coaching business and are a certified health and wellness coach. Tell us more about this spectacular journey?
Ms. Alexandra Paul: I know firsthand the challenges of staying active and healthy, because as an actress I routinely worked 12 hour days on the set. But I always made sure I got my workouts in and ate well no matter what was going on around me (sometimes that means getting up super early to exercise before a 6am call, and bringing my own food), because I knew how much better I felt, physically and emotionally, when I took care of myself. In my 30s, between acting jobs, I started racing triathlons and marathons. In my 40s, I began swimming longer distance swims. A couple years ago, I was thinking about how much I wanted to help people get the same happiness, self confidence and body ease that I have from taking caret of myself, and health coaching seemed to be the perfect fit.
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