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Yoga for Managing Symptoms of Menopause

managing symptoms of Menopause

Yoga can alleviate menopausal symptoms such as insomniadepressionhot flashes, and mood swings.

In one of the few studies concerned with hot flashes and body management, researchers at the Wayne State University School of Medicine studied 33 women with frequent hot flashes and their responses to deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and brain-wave biofeedback. Deep breathing was associated with a significant reduction in the frequency of hot flashes, while the other two techniques had no effect. This study’s small scale makes one reluctant to draw any conclusions. However, the authors speculate that deep breathing somehow works to after the sympathetic nervous system activity that gives rise to hot flashes.

The following is a sequence of poses to stimulate the ovaries and pituitary gland to produce more hormones. This series has a claming, soothing, quieting effect on the nervous system and, if practiced regularly, helps ease menopausal symptoms. These postures provide a good foundation on which to build a yogapractice that will help maintain a woman’s well-being during her menopausal years and beyond.

The body-mind connection is a powerful element of hot flashes and emotional symptoms. Rhythmic breathing exercises (paced respiration), which helps you meditateand relax, can effectively reduce your hot flashes. Researchers have found that deep, slow breathing can reduce the effects of hot flashes in half, probably by calming the central nervous system.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)



Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)

Supported Lying Down Bound Angle Pose—The Goddess Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Supported Legs Up the Wall Pose—Viparita Karani

Supported Bridge Pose


It is a good idea to start with the block on the lowest level . If this feels comfortable, you can try turning it to a higher level . Since this is a restorative pose, choose the level that gives you the most ease. If you feel any pain, come out.


Try lifting one leg at at time off the floor, keeping the block in place. You may also lift both legs at the same time in a supported version of Shoulderstand.

Supported Child’s Pose

Lying Down Spinal Twist

Supported Deep Relaxation Pose

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