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Yoga To Help Teenage Girls Develop A Healthier Body

Regular practice of yoga, promotes the mind-body connection and is potentially successful way for girls to develop a positive body image. This connection not only improves body image but also promotes better posture and alleviates stress.

Teenage girls’ are insecure about their bodies and this is quiet apparent through their thoughts about food. Most girls falling within the healthy weight range, do not believe their weight is appropriate and constantly worry about gaining weight or becoming fat. Teenage years are full of changes and stress. With increasing expectations and added responsibilities teenagers feel down from time to time, but if your blues last more than few weeks you may have a disorder called Depression.

These growth turmoil’s are common among teenage girls, but can be treated permanently through, yoga.

Yoga Benefits for Teenagers

Yoga Poses for Teens

Here are seven poses recommended by yoga professionals who work with teens:

Tadasana Samasthith (mountain pose)

This pose is the starting point of all standing asanas, lifts the sternum, which is the site of the anahata or “heart” charka. This helps to reduce stress and boost your self-confidence, while the perfect balance of the final pose increases your alertness. In Sanskrit, tadasana means “mountain pose” while samasthithi indicates an “upright and steady state.”

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

Plank Pose

Virabhadra (warrior pose I)

This challenging pose strengthens the entire body while improving mental capacity and self control.


Virabhadra (warrior II)

Supta Baddhakonasana (cobbler pose):

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Note: Always talk to a physician before starting yoga.

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