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The Greatest Victory in Life is Conquering Yourself! – Yoga Teacher Sheena Shah

As a child, Sheena Shah’s knees were constantly dislocated and doctors told her that without major surgery on both legs, she could end up in a wheelchair by the age of 30. She underwent surgery in her right knee in 2010, while studying for her degree in Psychology at The University of Warwick. Sheena Shah fell into depression and knew that she needed to make a change and take control of her life.

On sharing her state with her parents, they gave her a book called ‘What is Disease’ by Neil Patel (the Founder of Chi Kri Yoga), which changed her life for good.

As of today she teaches weekly yoga classes, and leads yoga & wellbeing retreats (both in the UK and internationally), and also runs a business coaching for yoga teachers.

Her main mission now is to help new yoga teachers create a successful business that lights up their souls and makes a positive difference in people’s lives.

International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide on the 21st of June. The theme of International Yoga Day 2024 is “Yoga for Women Empowerment,” 

Check out one-to-one interaction with Yoga expert and teacher, Sheena Shah as she unfolds her journey and message for IYD.

Namita Nayyar.

As a child, your knees constantly dislocated and according to the doctors, you could end up in a wheelchair by the age of 30. Share the series of events that changed everything for you.

Sheena Shah.

I started yoga at 18, soon after having major knee surgery on my right leg. I was scheduled to have a second knee surgery a couple of years later, but after performing some tests my surgeon said that my strength and balance had improved so much that I no longer needed it and he cancelled the surgery.
This was a complete shock to me because until then doctors had told me that without surgery on both knees I would end up in a wheelchair by the time I was 30 – and that’s when I began to realize how truly powerful my yoga practice was.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar.

What inspired you to be a yoga teacher?

Sheena Shah.

After experiencing the impact yoga has on my life, not only on my physical health but mental and emotional levels too. As a teenager, I struggled with anxiety and depression – and yoga helped me to build my self-esteem and confidence. It also completely changed my perspective on things and gave me the strength to overcome many challenges with a positive mindset.
I knew that yoga could make such a profound difference in people’s lives no matter how old they were, what they did for a living, or what their religious beliefs were! True yoga is so much more than just being flexible or touching your toes – it’s a way of life – and I wanted to share that with as many people as I could.

Namita Nayyar.

Share the series of challenges that you overcame to become a successful yoga teacher. What’s your piece of advice for newer yoga teachers who give up halfway through?

Sheena Shah.

Being a yoga teacher is THE most rewarding job in the world! So many people need yoga in their lives right now, and if your soul has drawn you to this path, there is a reason for that. Don’t compare yourself to other yoga teachers – share what is in your heart boldly and authentically, and that is how you will attract students who are right for you.

A lot of people may tell you that it’s not possible to make good money teaching yoga – but that’s not true!

If you stay committed to your vision and work with a business coach/mentor to improve your marketing skills – you will have a yoga business that not only lights you up, but gives you the money, freedom, and resources to do what you love!

Namita Nayyar.

How do you like to kick-start your day?

Sheena Shah.

I start my day with prayer, meditation, and yoga outdoors in my garden when the weather is nice! I have found that having some ‘me-time’ before I start my day helps me focus my mind and get everything I need to get done in a calm and grounded way.

Namita Nayyar.

With International Yoga Day around the corner, what are your plans for the same, and message for people out there?

Sheena Shah.

I’m hosting a weekend yoga retreat in Norfolk for my students at the end of June which I’m so excited about! It’s a beautiful chance for everyone to spend quality time reconnecting with themselves, nourish their bodies with healthy food, and meet like-minded people on the same journey of personal growth as them!

Namita Nayyar.

What did your yoga journey until now teach you? What are the key essentials a beginner should embrace to achieve success?

Sheena Shah.

That the greatest victory in life is conquering yourself! Embrace all aspects of yoga – from the physical poses to the breathwork to the yoga philosophy- with an open mind and heart.

Namita Nayyar.

Meditation in present times seems a challenge for many. What is your advice to, gain the true benefits of meditational practice?

Sheena Shah.

In today’s world we are so used to rushing from one thing to another, it feels uncomfortable to be still! But in that stillness lies the peace we are seeking – and if you sit through the storm, the peace will come.
Be patient and preserve with faith and determination even if it feels like it’s not working!

Know that every effort you make on the spiritual path counts – and if you trust the process and keep going you will reap the benefits in all areas of your life.

Namita Nayyar.

What motivational quote do you live by?

Sheena Shah.

“Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself” – Paramahansa Yogananda

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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

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