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How to Fit Fitness into Your Work from Home Schedule

By Samantha Clayton, OLY, ISSA-CPT, Vice President, Worldwide Sports Performance and Fitness, Herbalife Nutrition


With many governments implementing “safer at home” policies, including work from home provisions, it’s understandable that the new disruptions to our daily routines may cause stress or anxiety. For many, working from home is a new experience, and you may find yourself plugging-in more throughout the day and missing out on essential time you should be taking for your well-being. 

This is why it’s important to find creative ways to keep moving throughout the day, while you’re confined to working from your house.

Keep a Routine

Just like it’s important to have a consistent workout regimen to avoid or delay reaching a plateau in your fitness performance, it’s important to develop or stay on your “work routine” to avoid creating bad habits that will hinder your motivation.

It may be tempting to roll out of bed and work in your pajamas, but before you know it your work area will also become a mess and your habits will change. In the midst of these changes we’re going through, why add more? Stay consistent and keep a schedule– get up at the same time you would as if you were going to the office in the morning, shower, get dressed, have your coffee or tea, set up your workstation and work as you normally would. Keeping this sense of normalcy will help you stay focused on your tasks.

Ways to Fit Fitness into your Work-from-home Schedule:

Prioritize Movement for a Positive Work Environment

While you may be more concerned about getting your work done than getting a workout in, the truth is that you should always make time for a total of 30 minutes of every day. If you make it part of your schedule by adding it to your daily calendar, it will be something to look forward to in an otherwise monotonous workday.

Additionally, there’s research that has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and back pain.

Even if ‘being fit’ isn’t a priority for you, the body’s natural release of endorphins is enhanced during bouts of physical activity, which will at the very least improve your mood. And during stressful times like these, one of the greatest benefits of performing regular exercise is its ability to make the activities of everyday life feel easier.

Workout While You Work

Here are five easy exercises to do while working from home, and many don’t even require you to leave your workstation:

Don’t Forget Your Balanced Diet Food 

Managing your exercise routine, consuming a healthy diet and getting enough rest are just a few great ways you can strive toward getting the best physical and emotional results. Healthy snacking throughout the day on whole fruits, sticks of string cheese and cartons of yogurt will not only keep you full but are also easy to grab when you’ve lost track of time from being plugged-in all day. 

Additionally, a balanced diet with plenty of protein will keeps you feeling full so that you’re not constantly visiting the refrigerator. Don’t forget that doing work from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep your boundaries—make sure you take this extra time at home to make time for yourself to unwind and relax.

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