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Get Ready for Women’s Health & Fitness Day Celebration

Women’s Health & Fitness Day is the largest health promotion event for women of all ages. It is always held on the last Wednesday in September.

Don’t have the time to sign up for an event?

Here are 5 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Health & Fitness Day

Schedule a Check-Up

If you are short of time to make it out to a Women’s Health & Fitness Day event Use the day, as a reminder to schedule a preventative physical exam with your primary care doctor or with your OB/GYN, especially if it’s been awhile.

The following health screenings are recommended for women between the ages of 18 and 39:

The following health screenings are recommended for women over the age of 40:

Workout with a Friend or Partner

Invite a friend or your lover to make workout more fun and motivational. This can assist weight loss and feel good factor. Try different activities such as yoga, Pilates,hiking, jogging or walk down a memorable trail.

Eat Healthy All day Long

Incorporate a healthy diet such as fruits and vegetables to increase your calcium, vitamins, and other nutrients. Rather than eating junk food or processed food, try making a nourishing meal or a wholesome snack to keep you satisfied. Drink enough water. If you are not a fan of consuming eight glasses of water a day, then try fruit or citrus-infused water or low-sodium broths. Try a new dish for example, with quinoa one week then try cauliflower rice the next.

Give yourself a healthy beauty treatment.

Try these DIY food facials or schedule an appointment to check yourself for skin cancer and allergy.

Pamper Yourself and Rub out stress with a massage.

While a little bit of stress is fine for the body, prolonged stress can take a toll on your body, including weight gain, hair loss, and blood sugar swings. Book an appointment for manicure, pedicure, or a body massage and enjoy for no body deserves it more than you.

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