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25 Years, 25 Trainers: Women Fitness Spotlight

As Women Fitness marks its silver jubilee, we commemorate 25 years of empowering women through health and fitness. To celebrate this milestone, we take you down the years to share insight from exclusive interviews with 25 trailblazing fitness trainers who have significantly influenced the industry and have been featured on the website. These inspiring women share their journeys, insights, and tips for achieving wellness, offering a glimpse into the passion and dedication that drive them. Join us as we honour their contributions and look forward to the future of women’s fitness.

1- Jenn Labonte:

    Creator of the Jenn Lab Fit, a women’s fitness and mobility program. Jenn Labonte today is out to help women safely take control of post-’40s, the 50s, 60s, and beyond weight gain, build strength, and stay injury-free so they can feel confident, consistently motivated, and beautiful in their own skin. She adds “With the changes we’ve seen in the world over the last few years, I see the women I’m training becoming more flexible with the concept of strength training outside of the gym. Initially, when COVID forced us into our homes, many people got creative and found ways to move and stay active.” Further, now that the gyms and training centers are open again, I’m seeing women say, I like working out at home, and now let’s see what I can do to add more to my routine. I’m also seeing women show up for themselves in ways I’ve never seen before. It’s a movement; it’s my time to get strong so I can be the best version of myself, both for my inner peace and for my family and friends.

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    2- Jennifer Dietrick:

      Jennifer is a highly accomplished and successful personal trainer and martial artist. Jennifer earned her black belt in Jiu Jitsu and is currently an instructor at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu HQ, where she offers private lessons. Her dedication and consistency are contagious, and she will help you become the best version of yourself through martial arts. Her message to women in fitness is: “Be passionate about your goals, always push your limits in training, have a good work ethic, enjoy the journey, only strive to be better than you were yesterday, and be positive throughout the process. You are competing because you love it and you are only ever competing with yourself!”

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      3- Michele Levesque:

        She is a fitness model, personal trainer, and bikini competitor. Today, Michele is a respected massotherapist who has been helping injured athletes and sports enthusiasts for a number of years. She has competed in a physique competition, and she hopes to inspire others with her story. Her message is “Everything is Possible! Your dreams, your ideas, your vision—never let anyone tell you you can’t.”

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        4- Cindy Landolt:

          Switzerland’s premier personal trainer and owner of Zurich’s most exclusive gym, the Centurion Club. As a trainer with more than 15 years experience working with clients ranging from people simply wanting to get into their best shape, to film stars preparing for roles and professional sportspeople looking to get the edge required to make them winners in their field, Cindy’s vast experience and knowledge base ensure that you get on the ‘right track’ from the very beginning! Her word for Women Fitness website: “ is a great resource for understanding the diet and training that are required to live a happy and healthy life. Simply by learning more, you are taking a huge step towards improving your quality of life. Empower yourselves with the knowledge and then apply these lessons to your daily life; from there, it’s just a question of consistency.

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          5- Danni Levy:

            British fitness personality, magazine author and editor, and personal trainer. In her words, I’m proud to say I have a 100% success rate in helping people reach their goal weight and/or sculpt their bodies. I really enjoy experimenting in the kitchen to constantly come up with new, tasty, clean recipes so that my clients don’t feel as if they’re on a ‘diet’.

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            6- Massy Arias:

              Massiel “Massy” Indhira Arias is the exuberant Certified Personal Trainer, formerly known as Mankofit, who is changing lives and inspiring a new generation of trainers. Massy’s training style incorporates various techniques, including resistance training, callisthenics, yoga, high intensity interval training, and sprinting. She avoids sticking to a specific style in order to keep workouts exciting, fun, and fresh! Her message was, “I want women to know that we are just as capable as any man. We can set the same athletic challenges and dominate.

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              7- Jillian Michaels:

                Committed to helping people to be the best versions of themselves and live their happiest and healthiest lives, Jillian Michaels has dominated the health and wellness space in every realm of media. For inspiration, “I look up to everyday people that overcome all the insane obstacles that life throws at us with zero nepotism or privilege.” She shares the incredible discoveries that help us understand not only why and how we age but also how to slow and even reverse ageing and avoid age-related illness. The major age inciters are metabolism, damaged macromolecules, epigenetics, inflammation, stress adaptation, and telomeres. She talks about how to get them to work for you instead of against you.

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                8- Danielle Natoni:

                  Danielle is also a personal trainer, Nike Training Club Trainer, and group fitness trainer, teaching PiYo, Turbo Kick, P90X, hip hop HUSTLE, and Zumba. Fitness message “I want other women like me to know anything is possible. Being a wife and a mom is amazing, but that doesn’t mean that your dreams and aspirations have to take a back seat. We can have it all. We can be healthy and fit. We can have amazing careers. We can inspire the world. I always say I am no more special or talented than anyone else. That really motivates me and fuels me to be the example to others out there that anything is possible with a little heart and hustle.”  

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                  9- Natalie Jill:

                    A Fat Loss Expert and Creative Sales Strategist, She Kills FAT For a living. Not just the kind of “fat” on our bodies, but the kind that holds us back from getting results. I call those FALSE ASSUMED TRUTHS. “JUST START! Don’t compare yourself to others; just start. Every step forward is a step in the right direction. Information overload can be so discouraging. Instead of trying to figure EVERYTHING out at once, look at just a few things you can do each day to move in the right direction,” says Natalie. About the Women Fitness website: “I think it is fabulous! Not only is it easy to navigate and full of great information, but it is a comfortable, non-threatening site to visit.”

                    10- Kayla Itsines:

                      Since 2008, Kayla Itsines has totally changed the fitness scene in the world by transforming the lives of millions of women. Her goal has always been to help women around the world become healthier, stronger, and fitter. “As a Sweat Trainer, I love being a part of a business dedicated to the health and wellbeing of women, and one that is committed to listening to the feedback of our users. I think that is really important.” Her message “Don’t underestimate yourself. Remember that strength comes from within—if you feel good on the inside and do things that help you feel confident, that will show on the outside.”

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                      11- Jeanette Jenkins:

                        founder and president of The Hollywood Trainer LLC, author of The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan, and creator of “The Hollywood Trainer Club,” a virtual online healthy living and weight loss club with everything you need to lose weight, get in shape, and make healthy living a lifetime habit! Her mission is to help everyone find the athlete inside them and enjoy the benefits of healthy living! Message: “Take care of your health by exercising 5–6 times a week and eating healthy, and you will improve your overall health. It’s not about achieving some type of look; it’s about loving yourself, feeling great, and improving your health so you can function at your best!”

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                        12- Janine Delaney:

                          From dancing professional ballet to teaching exercise and nutrition classes to competing and placing in figure competitions, fitness has always been a big part of fitness expert and wellness coach Janine Delaney’s life. My number one secret to keeping a youthful figure is “consistency” I know this sounds like simple advice, but for many people, it is not easy to make a plan and stick with it. A word about the Women Fitness website: “I absolutely love Women Fitness. It is a magazine of substance with many well-rounded topics. I feel like it has something for everyone. I enjoy the variety of articles, and even though I have been involved in the diet and exercise industry for years, I still find the content novel and interesting. It is a great read, with engaging visuals, and I always recommend it to my followers.”

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                          13- Hailey B.:

                            After 15 years in the fitness industry, she has found that nothing has more proven health benefits than strength training. She has made it my mission to convert women, especially those in their 40s and beyond, to the miracle of strength training. In her interview, she shares that women can expect to get much stronger with the TRX in all areas. If you follow a good routine, you can build up work capacity and strength with this piece of equipment. Meessage: “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” Dwayne johnson.

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                            14- Tana Ashlee:

                              Tana is a certified personal trainer and has been into fitness since she was 13 years old. Whether you are struggling with losing weight, building a booty, getting a flat tummy, putting on weight, depression, feeling lost, unhappy, or just flat out unmotivated, she can help you accomplish your goal with her knowledge and experience. Her belief is that you can’t be successful without working hard.

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                              15- Jen Selter:

                                She squats, she lunges, and she is one of the most influential fitness Instagram stars, according to Forbes. Her three tips for being successful are: Always remain true to your beliefs, work hard, and never give up, no matter how many people try to put you down.

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                                16- Kendall Lou Schmidt:

                                  For over a decade, Kendall has been working in fitness and wellness as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, coach, motivational speaker, and public speaker. Her aim: I love to share my passion for fitness and wellness and hope that, in some way, I am able to change the lives of all the people I come in touch with. It could be as simple as giving them a great recipe off my social media or as complex as completely redoing their workout routine. Her message : Stop making excuses and start looking for reasons to go further, push harder, and dig deeper. Be your own biggest cheerleader. Before the challenges of the day can get in the way of your success, take a minute to mentally outline your goals, your motivation, and the reasons you want to workout and eat healthy in the first place. Stay focused on your purpose, and you will find success. Let your thoughts motivate you forward instead of holding you back.

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                                  17- Simone De La Rue:

                                    A classically trained dancer, Simone De La Rue has committed her entire life to nurturing her body. She founded Body By Simone in 2011, a dance-based fitness method with a celebrity following. According to her, “many women desire the strength and leanness frequently found in the dance profession. I am often asked, “How do you get a dancer’s body?” and my response is, “You dance.” I think my technique has become so popular because women connect with dance and, at some point in their lives, have danced. I really just want to make exercise fun!” Speaking about the website: “ provides women with the information they need to stay happy and healthy. My hope is for every visitor to find some form of exercise, whether that be swimming, dancing, or horseback riding, they can connect with and prosper from.”

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                                    18. Gina Ostarly:

                                      While visiting Gina’s website (, one stumbles upon her story of healthy aging “In my 30s, as a young mother of three, my mission was to dispel society’s myth of never getting back that 20-year-old, pre-baby body. I spent a decade as a living testament, debunking that this was indeed a myth, inspiring and leading others along the way. When I turned 40, I branded myself “The New Forty,”  encouraging others like me to realize that now is the time to live life to the fullest. At 50 years old, I want to continue to prove the idea that anything is possible. I want to represent the possibilities. I want to be the reason you NEVER stopped believing in yourself.” 

                                      This is what she has to say about the website: “ showcases inspiring stories on all levels. I am grateful to share a spot among such incredible women. Thank you to Womenfitness for the opportunity to share my love of health and fitness with others.

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                                      19- Svava Sigbertsdottir:

                                        From crossfit to Pilates, kickboxing to yoga, football to ballet, HIIT training to badminton—being through it all, Svava never found that one ultimate type of training that would give her that tight, lean, toned physique she wanted. Thus, The Viking Method by Svava Sigbertsdottir. Her one-word message: Prioritize. You need to give it to all of you. You can’t go out every weekend and watch TV every weeknight and then be surprised that it is not going so well. Talking about the website: “ is such a fantastic website, bringing you endless tools to become better inside out. So use all of it.”  

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                                        20- Amanda Russell:

                                          With her eyes set on the Olympics, Amanda suffered a leg injury. Told by doctors she’d never run again, she was determined to recover and continue pursuing her passion for fitness. After two years of intense rehabilitation, she was competing and even winning triathlons. Drawing from her own experiences, she developed Fit Strong and Sexy, a customized workout regimen based on the framework she practiced as an elite athlete but suitable for all fitness levels. She talks about her fitness and diet plan, along with what keeps her motivated: “My motivation comes from an intense desire for happiness. I know what it takes to be happy, and that doesn’t mean just floating. It’s a conscious choice, and it’s not always easy.” Amanda Russell on WomenFitness: I am extremely impressed by this site, from the range of topics and quality content to the layout and user-friendly navigation—it really is a top resource for all things fitness.  

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                                          21- Nikki Walter:

                                            Nikki Walter’s life hasn’t been short on hardships, in spite of these hurdles; she is a six-time bodybuilding champion and fitness guru. She is also a food prep coach, a personal trainer, a certified Less Mills Body Pump instructor, and a group fitness instructor. Nikki and her daughter travel the country and help change lives through speaking engagements, seminars, boot camps, and their company, Clean Eating Parties, LLC. Through her work as a TEAM athlete, Nikki has encouraged and inspired many to follow their dreams. Motivational quote: “Enjoy your body; use it in every way you can; don’t be afraid of it or what other people think of it; it is the greatest instrument you will ever own.”  Bazz Luhrmann  

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                                            22- Natalia Walker:

                                              A certified health coach, she has always been passionate and dedicated to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. A typical day in Natalia’s life would look like this: “I wake up and follow my morning routine of meditation, working out, and having breakfast. Then it’s off to work, either modelling or directly coaching clients with health and fitness lessons. Between appointments, I will make sure that I eat several meals throughout the day. And, if needed, I will meal prep for several days in advance.” About Women Fitness: “I love visiting and reading about so many diverse and interesting topics. It’s a perfect landing page for women like me who share the same interests and values.”

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                                              23- Lori-Ann Marchese:

                                                She has had the honour of being rated one of the world’s top trainers by Huffington Post in December 2014, amongst several other trainers, including two trainers from NBC’s Biggest Loser. Body Construct was created by Lori-Ann Marchese with the mission to help women become stronger, more confident, and happier with their lives, both physically and mentally. Her input about the website: “ is full of benefits that offer a lot of helpful information for any viewer to take upon and learn from! I believe the message this website holds is very positive and that it is truthful and reliable. This source is boundless to use if you are looking for advice on fitness and health.”

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                                                24- Christina Hooper:

                                                  She is the owner of Backcountry Fitness & Conditioning, where she runs boot camp classes, offers online training, influences hundreds of clients to live a better lifestyle, and teaches health and wellness programs. According to her, “Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy and involves attributes that include but are not limited to mental acuity, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, endurance, body composition, and flexibility.” She adds, “Life is not all about rainbows and lollipops, and it definitely has its dungeons and dragons too.”

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                                                  25- Bernadett Matassa:

                                                    The biggest achievement in her life was becoming an IFBB PRO competitor. Her motivation to coach “To me, to carry on and do my job successfully, the biggest motivation is always going to be all my clients who succeed. I am thrilled every time I hear someone has lost some weight, someone has been feeling better overall, someone has improved their flexibility, or even when one of my clients said they can keep up with their kids much better than they did before.” Her input on the Women Fitness website “ has a great variety of articles about exercise programs nutrition supplements, etc. I would highly recommend to every woman out there to check the site out to get help on their journey.”  

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                                                    As we celebrate this significant milestone, we look forward to the next 25 years of innovation, inspiration, and empowerment in the world of women fitness. Here’s to continuing the journey of health and wellness together.

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