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Hand Expressing Breast Milk
Fertility & Pregnancy

Hand Expressing Breast Milk: Techniques and Tips for Moms

Knowing how to hand express your breast milk can be especially helpful in a variety of situations...

Weight Loss Tips
Building Strength

Weight Loss Tips by Trainer Svava Sigbertsdottir

Svava Sigbertsdottir is a Personal Trainer with an extensive client base and creator of The Viking Method...

Shoulder Exercises to Shrug Off Shoulder Pain
Weight Loss

Top 10 Shoulder Exercises to Shrug Off Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain accounts for 16% of all reported muscle and joint pain, second only to lower-back discomfort...

Katie Laura Burnett

Katie Laura Burnett: English Fitness Competitor and Model talks about her fitness routine, diet, and success story

Katie Laura Burnett is a 35 year old fitness competitor and model from England. She also works as Sports Massage Therapist at The Devils Kneads...

Hairstyles to Complement Every Body Shape
Beauty & Fashion

Hairstyles to Complement Every Body Shape

Your hairstyle is more than just a frame for your face—it can beautifully accentuate your entire silhouette...

Breastfeeding Awareness Month
Article of the Month

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month

World Breastfeeding Week is held annually in the first week of August supported by WHO, UNICEF, and many Ministries of Health and civil society partners. The theme for 2024 is Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all. #WBW2024 will focus on survival, health and wellbeing.

Top 10 Best Home Gym Equipment
Building Strength

Top 10 Best Home Gym Equipment

You can achieve your dream physique and strength while working out at home. You can exercise any time, whether day or night...

Yoga in Daily Routine
Yoga & Meditation

Simple Ways to Incorporate Yoga into Your Daily Routine

May be the closest you get to yoga is wearing a comfy pair of yoga pants, or if you’re like I used to be, perhaps...