Walking is enough for many women, but others perhaps you begin to
feel like a horse that longs to break into a trot. The aerobic
benefits of a slow jog and a fitness walk are similar, but you might
find yourself getting winded sooner because your feet are not in
constant contact with the ground. For getting in constant touch with
the ground, you can adopt running as an excellent fitness tool.
Running nowadays, is being thought of as a national pastime.
Once you decide you want to begin running, a good way to gently move into it is by jogging, which is a slow, recreational form of running. To start with running, follow the following guidelines:
- First walk or jog for 3 to 5 minutes, as a warm up exercise before running and also do stretching to warm up your muscles.
- When you begin running, you should quickly fall into a style that suits you. A good running posture will make your workout easier and safer.
- Run smoothly in an upright position without leaning too far forward and keep your ribcage lifted out of the waist.
- Relax the upper body by keeping your head high and dropping your shoulders.
- Your arms should be relaxed, with elbows slightly bent, wrists lower than elbows and fingers slightly curled.
- Carry your arms slightly away from your body and let them swing easily.
- Run with a heel first action, making a clawing action.
- Start with small strides and alter them until you find your natural, most comfortable stride length.
- Breathe regularly, emphasizing the exhalation.
- Go for walk or jog for 3 to 5 minutes after running and also perform stretching at the end as cool up exercises.
- Start from 5 minutes and go till 45 minutes a day.
- Look up for stable and smooth surfaces.
- Avoid slanting places as their unevenness will put you off balance and cause stress on one side of the body, which can lead o injury.
- If you do run on a graded surface, go back the way you came to ensure, you balance the body's stress.
- Try to choose low- traffic areas.
- Run during daylight hours if you can. If you can't, wear light-colored clothing with reflectors. Also make sure that your footwear has reflectors built into the heel and sides.
- Properly fitting shoes that are broken in but not broken down and cushioning socks are crucial, especially, if you use hard surfaces.
- You can also carry sports watches and heart- rate monitors.
- Get with a group as it will make running more enjoyable.
- If you are running single, a small tape player in your hands or on a belt is a good company.
- Don't start up at full pace without warming up and don't pull up to a stop at the end of your run without cooling down.
- Don't skip a light stretch or stretch too strongly at the beginning of your run, and don't forget to stretch at the end.
- Don't lunge forward, hunch your shoulders up to your ears, or look down at your feet as you run.
- Don't clench your fists, press your arms against your body, or let your arms flail widely.
- Don't over stride or land on the balls of your feet.
- Don't pick up your knees like a drum major or majorette.
- Always carry identification with you. Money for a pay phone or a cell phone also can be useful in case of an emergency.
- Always run or walk against traffic.
- Stop running immediately, if you feel pain or exhaustion while performing the exercise.
- When wearing a headset, you might not hear cars, etc. So don't crank up the volume so high that it blocks out all street sounds and leads to an accident.
- An overweight women or an older women should avoid it as their joints can't take the constant pounding.
Running in other words, is convenient, affordable, flexible, maintainable, satisfying and produces numerous psychological benefits..
NOTE: Always consult your physician before embarking on a new exercise.