Jumping Rope

When it comes to crunch 'skipping rope' is an excellent exercise that is relatively easy, has a multitude of benefits and a low injury risk factor.
- Always warm up. Stretch your muscles pay particular attention to arms, shoulders, neck, calves and hamstrings. For a list of flexibility exercises with instructions & demonstration log on to: Flexibility Exercises.
- To begin with hold the rope with both the hands.
- Stand in an erect position and keep your hands at hip level with your palms facing forward.
- Keep your head up and your elbows bent at a comfortable distance from your body.
- Turn the rope with a motion of the wrists, push off from the balls of your feet and land lightly.
- If you are a beginner do only hundred repetitions on your first day, doubling that on day 2(with a rest day in between each workout).
- Once you finish, cool down and stretch your leg muscle.
- Always land with your knees bend and allow your entire foot to absorb the impact.
- Avoid landing just on your toes.
- Stay upright and do not bend forward at the waist.
- Elbows remain at your side and the rope should be turned with the wrists and forearms not your shoulders.
- Always wear a good quality pair of running shoes to absorb the impact.
NOTE: Always consult your physician before embarking on a new exercise.