Foods that can Boost Your Natural UV Resistance

There are certain foods that can actually intensify your body's natural resistance to UV. On top this, a regular intake of certain foods can also help your body repair sun damaged skin.  Read on....


UPF Clothing: Offering Protection from Sun Radiation

Nearly 3.7 million�skin cancers are diagnosed in the US annually, and the vast majority of them are caused by solar UV radiation (UVR). Clothing is the single most effective form of sun protection. It is our first line of defense against the sun�s harmful ultraviolet rays.  Read on....


Photosensitivity: Protection Against UV Radiation

Photosensitivity is caused by ingesting, inhaling or coming into�skin�contact with photosensitisers�� substances that cause photosensitivity. Photosensitisers include industrial chemicals, drugs, plants and some essential oils and fragrances. Some medications can cause photosensitivity. Read on....


Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, usually results from prolonged exposure to sun. Most skin cancers are curable, but one form, malignant melanoma, can be fatal. Regions of high sunshine levels and habits of sun-worship pose a greater risk for skin cancer amongst individuals. Read on....


Summer Sun to Blame for Eye Disease

This summer you may want to stay out of the sun to protect your vision. Most people know that exposure to the sun, especially at the height of summer, can damage their skin. But few people realize the serious toll the sun can take on their eyes. Extended exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays is one of the risk factors associated with eye disorders such as cataracts. Read on....


Sun & Skin Care: Guideline to Protect your skin from Sun

You need to understand that excessive sun can be the skin's worst enemy. Therefore it is essential that you adopt following guidelines into your daily routine to protect your skin from the harmful radiation of the sun. Read on....


Protect Your Eyes from Sun Damage

UV rays are invisible, high-energy rays of light that, if absorbed by your eyes, can cause or enhance several eye ailments. This happens because the UV light can cause a reaction in our eye tissue. And once it occurs, it cannot be reversed. Read on....


Herbs offering Sun Protection

When it come to sun damage, prevention is the key, so do your best to limit your sun exposure, and wear protective clothing or sunscreen when you go outside. Almost 75 percent of sun damage occurs without our even going to the beach or lying out in the sun � as we walk down the street, ride a bike or even drive a car (if the windows are down).  Read on....


Protecting your Hair from the Sun

The sun's light waves are categorized by their intensity. There are three categories of light waves. These are UVA, UVB and UVC. The UVA and UVB can both damage the hair in a variety of ways. The UVA rays can burn the hair cuticle which is the outer hair layer. Read on....



Rate Your Self Image

A healthy self image contributes to the way we look and if we look good we feel good about ourselves. Most women at one time or another in their lives suffer from poor self esteem some more than others. Maintaining a strong healthy self esteem is not always easy in a society that has high expectations for performance and attractiveness.