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5 Benefits Of Velocity-Based Training And Strength Training For Female Athletes

Female athletes can enjoy several benefits by including velocity-based training and strength training in their training regime. Velocity-based training harnesses the power of technology to measure the speed of weightlifting movement. The real-time data can help them adjust the training loads and optimize the entire process. They can improve their overall health and fitness level and reduce the chance of injuries in the long run. This will allow them to offer optimal performance levels in their sport and enjoy better results.

Vitruve offers a smart VBT device that is one of the most precise encoders available in the market and the precision of the sensor is scientifically validated. In this article, we will go through the top benefits of strength training and velocity-based training for women. So, without any further delay, let us dive into the details.

Top 5 Benefits Of VBT And Strength Training For Female Athletes

Have a look at the top advantages of both training regimes for female athletes.

1.     Personalized Training Intensity

The VBT allows the athletes to get real-time data for their training which they can use to adjust the loads to get the best out of their training regime. Moreover, you can calculate the 1RM to further adjust the weights in the training for optimal intensity.

For example, a female sportsperson can monitor the bar’s speed and adjust the weight of the bar according to her current physical condition. The personalized approach will let her progress faster and get better results out of the entire training regime.

2.     Higher Muscle Strength And Power

With optimal strength training, female athletes can strive for stronger muscles which are vital for proper athletic performance in any sport. Improved muscle strength supports more explosive movements, such as sprinting, jumping, and lifting, directly contributing to better performance. Besides this, stronger muscles will offer better support to the joints.

3.     Reduced Risk Of Injury

VBT and strength training are effective approaches to prevent and reduce the chance of injuries in the long run. The VBT allows the female athletes to monitor the weights and adjust the loads according to their physical capability. This approach helps them target the correct weight in the training. They can avoid lifting too heavy weights according to their physical capability and avoid the chances of injuries in the long run.

Strength training allows them to strengthen their muscles and bones. They get better support for the joints and stronger tendons which allow them to perform well in sports without a high chance of injuries like sprains, tears, and strains. This allows them to stay consistent and achieve their goals without any unnecessary downtime.

4.     Improved Bone Density

As the female ages, the density of the bones in the body reduces. However, with proper strength training, women can enjoy improving their overall bone density. The weight training will stimulate bone growth which will lead to higher mineral density. This will reduce the chance of bone fractures and osteoporosis in female athletes. Besides this, they will enjoy higher resilience against bone-related issues in the long run. In short, strength training allows women to protect their bones and improve their athletic performance.

5.     Improved Mental Health & Recovery

Better mental health is a vital benefit of strength training for female athletes. Regular exercise with strength training releases endorphins in the body. This improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety in female athletes. The mental boost allows them to maintain overall well-being in the long run. Moreover, the training helps them to manage stress and maintain focus which is essential for optimal performance in any sports league. Besides all this, strength training promotes better sleep patterns which further aids the overall mental health and recovery after the games.

The Bottom Line

Here are some of the top benefits of VBT and strength training. Female athletes can achieve better results by combining both techniques. They can optimize the strength training exercise with VBT by analyzing the data from the tools.  They can improve their overall performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

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