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Top 10 to Correcting Muscle Imbalance

Top 10 to Correcting Muscle Imbalance

The human body is a movement system and is considered balanced if the joints create motion consistent with their kinesiological standard. One of the most important determinants of a balanced body (movement system) is posture and alignment. The muscles surrounding each joint create force couples of equal and opposite forces to act on the body parts the muscles attach to. These forces (vectors) have direction and magnitude so a change in one of these forces will alter how the joint functions about its involved axis of motion.


The faulty joint mechanics causes excessive or insufficient stress to the joint and its supporting ligaments and tendons. The result is indirect overuse as opposed to direct overuse. Faulty mechanics if not corrected can start to cause irritation to the joint or soft tissues leading on to worsening episodes of pain, aching, or stiffness.
The following corrective exercises and stretches are generalized to cover common upper and lower body muscle imbalances. Besides, Yoga and Pilates are two such examples of exercise techniques that can improve muscle length, flexibility, and agility, if done correctly.

Doorway Chest Stretch 
(This exercise is designed to reduce neck, shoulder, arm pain and numbness.)

(This is designed to reduce neck, shoulder, arm and hand pain and numbness.)

Scapular Stabilization 
(This is designed to reduce neck and shoulder pain.)

Back Stretch 
(This is designed to reduce upper back pain.)



Leg Lifts 
(These stretches are designed to relieve low back, buttocks and hip pain. This strengthens and trains the gluteus and low back muscles to contract in the correct order. This will stabilize the low back.)

Note: It is imperative that the low back not contract prior to the gluteus maximus


Basic Bridge 
(Strengthens buttocks and quadriceps)

  1. Regular
    • Sit on ball, then walk forward (at the same time lie back) until just your head and shoulders are on the ball. Let your hips and knees bend and lower your buttocks
    • Maintain a backward pelvic tilt as your buttocks until back ant thighs are horizontal. Do not arch back!
    • Hold for 2-5 seconds, then relax lower buttocks and repeat 8-10 seconds.
  2. Advanced
    • While holding bridge position, lift and strengthen one leg horizontal,
    • Hole for 2-5 sec., then return foot to the floor.
    • Relax lower buttocks, repeat and alternate sides.

Hamstring stretch 
(Straightens hamstring muscles)


Hip Stretch 
(Stretches the buttocks and inner thigh)

Standing Poses

(Deep abdominal muscle/thigh stretch)

Spinal Twist
(Stretches the hips, buttocks, and lower back)

A good way to know what muscles you need to use or stretch during your day is to take a look at what motions and postures you are in throughout the day and then do the opposite at various times during the day. If you have to sit most of your day, then take a moment to stand up once an hour or so. If your pelvis is posterior all day, tilt it forward on occasion. If your back is slouching forward (in flexion), stop and straighten it and then gently extend your spine backward (in extension). If your shoulders and head are forward, roll your shoulders back, lift and open your chest; then straighten your elbows and extend your arms back behind you rolling your palms out thumbs up, fingers extended, and circle your wrists. Pretty simple, pretty obvious, yet most of my clients don’t think to do these simple actions.

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