By Charlene Bazarian Maybe while you decked the halls this holiday season you splurged on too much-spiked eggnog and Jack Frost martinis, followed up by ringing in the New Year with lots of champagne, or perhaps now that you’ve flipped the calendar you are tackling some healthy resolutions. Still, whether you’re looking to cut down on or cut out your alcohol consumption, you … [Read more...]
Relieve the Pressure of New Year’s Resolutions: Take Small, Specific Steps to Better Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals
by Samantha Clayton, OLY, ISSA-CPT Vice President, Sports Performance and Fitness Education, Herbalife Nutrition The start of a new year is an ideal time to refresh one’s commitment to year-round health, but many people are already falling short of their goals for a healthier lifestyle because they are setting resolutions that are too ambitious. In fact, according to a … [Read more...]
New Year Resolutions for Your Zodiac Sign
As the New Year approaches, many of us reflect on the year that has passed and set resolutionsfor the year ahead. However, it can be challenging to stick to our resolution, especially if they arelofty or unrealistic. Luckily, the stars can provide some guidance on what resolutions are bestsuited for each sun sign. Emily Newman, a spiritual healer, counselor, and astrologer … [Read more...]
Embrace 2022 with More Holistic Fitness Trends
Samantha Clayton, Vice President, Worldwide Fitness and Sports Performance, Herbalife Nutrition With the new year approaching, the countdown is on as millions of people anticipate their new year health and wellness goals—with the goal of exercising more at the top of their list—to start the year right. To be successful, many are also naturally wondering what’s … [Read more...]
Whole-Person Sex: Trend for Better Sex In The New Year
The New Year is just going to arrive and lets have a more fulling and happy love life. You might be looking forward to the New Year as a time for more exciting sex with your partner. Like many, you might think a fun New Year's Eve would create the atmosphere for some good -- maybe even great -- sex and be a great beginning to the year ahead. But like many, you'll feel … [Read more...]