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Tabata Training: 4 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Tabata Training

For leaner Legs, slimmer midsection and a healthier physique.

Tabata was founded in Japan by Izumi Tabata. He had conducted tests on two groups of athletes; comparing moderate high intensity training with high intensity interval training. Tabata interval training makes you sweat more, burn more, and work your entire body, all while keeping the total workout under 15 minutes (which includes a warm up and a cool down).  Adding two Tabata(s) per week to your workout will help you shed 4-7 percent body fat in one month.


Workout Schedule

Begin with a warm up of 3-5 minutes of low-to-medium intensity cardio – like jump roping, jumping jacks, or jogging!  Tabata Training lasts for 4 minutes and has 8 intervals in total lasting 20 seconds. Within those 20 seconds however, you are going all out.
The first half of the Tabata workout should take a total of two minutes: each set consists of a 20-second work interval followed by a 10-second rest interval.

To begin with pick the exercises you wish to include in your Tabata training. Then, the right equipment needed for the exercises. After, you have to decide which interval is for what exercise (if you have more than one exercise in your training). For example you could have one interval for one exercise and another interval for the other exercise.

A sample Tabata training plan:

Equipment needed: surface mat for pushups and a chin up bar
Another, Sample Tabata  ab Workout

2 rounds of 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest.


When You’re Done Cool down and stretch! Take five minutes to do medium-to-low intensity cardio and follow it up with a stretch for the quads, hamstrings, calves, inner thighs and arms!

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