Exceptionally Talented Fashion Supermodel, Actress and TV Host Sylvie Meis Shares her unwavering battle with Cancer and much more

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You danced in the third season of the
German "Dancing with the Stars" ("Let's Dance") and
reached the second place. Since the fourth season
started in 2011, you were host to the show together with
Daniel Hartwich. Both of you received the Bavarian
Television Award for this in 2012. Elaborate your
experience of participating as a contestant and later as
a host for this popular television show?
Ms. Sylvie Meis: Participating in this show changed my
live because I was coming back from the cancer and the
show helped me to regain the trust in my body and
dancing is obviously something that lifts up the spirit.
Being now the host for the 6th season is a dream job.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have been ambassador and
presenter of Dreamball, the German Bone Marrow
Foundation (DKMS) and supports the current campaign of
Pink Ribbon to raise awareness of early breast cancer
screening and diagnosis these charities are all dear to
your heart. Tell us how you have been able to achieve
and quench your thirst of giving back to the society
through this endeavor of yours?
Ms. Sylvie Meis: Because of my own personal story with
breast cancer, I am more than happy to give my heart and
soul to these charities. I know what women with cancer
go through. Not only the disease itself but also the
scars that it leaves behind.
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