Namita Nayyar:
Top three healthy snack options? One diet secret you would like to share?
Suelen Wons:
I love dry fruits, nuts, almonds…
I also like so much fruit salad and I don’t live without coconut chips! It is amazing!
Regarding diets, I have never been adept and luckily I don’t have restrictions, I eat everything, but always very balanced
Namita Nayyar:
Define Women Fitness for WF viewers.
Suelen Wons:
The best! Share with the world healthy information, motivating uncountable people to practice phisical activities and influencing on the well-being
Namita Nayyar:
Share your workout during a lockdown?
Suelen Wons:
Every day I do a minimum of 40 minutes of functional training. I choose for cardio and abs circuits, upper and lower body, working it all. A tip of wonderful training and I can say that is saving me a lot during the quarantine is the lives of @nortonmello, follow there!
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