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Stretching the Groin

Stretching groin

The adductor muscles of the leg are often referred to as the “groin muscles” and include the adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus, and gracilis. They are fan-like muscles in the upper thigh that pull the legs together when they contract. They  help stabilize the hip joint. The adductors attach from the pelvis to the femur (thigh bone).

Groin muscle discomfort can make it difficult to finish your exercise routine — or other daily activities, like squatting or sitting. Discomfort in the groin area can be more than just frustrating, it can be a symptom of a dangerous injury or condition. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes groin muscle discomfort while exercising and how it can be treated and prevented.

Why groin discomfort?

Groin discomfort during exercise can be caused by groin strain, where you stretch or stress the adductor muscles — the inner hip muscles — while exercising. You can also develop pain if you overuse your muscles by exercising out too hard or not taking breaks between workouts. In addition, muscle sprains or strains can occur while exercising, especially if you suddenly twist or do not warm up properly. Groin discomfort can also be the result of a hernia, where organs or tissue in the abdomen protrude through a tear or weakness in the abdominal wall.

Stretching the Groin muscles

Always warm up and stretch the inner hip muscles as well as your legs before and after a workout. This will help raise the temperature of your muscles, making them more durable, pliable and more resistant to discomfort and injury. Check out with a fitness instructor if you are doing exercises correctly. Improper form can lead to muscle discomfort and injury. If you lift weights or other heavy objects while exercising, bend at your knees, not your waist.

Some signs of a severe groin strain include:

Butterfly groin stretch

One leg over stretch

Wide leg groin stretch

Sitting leg straddle.

Side lunge.

Gluteal stretch:


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