This book teaches how to build habits for coping with stress, moving more, losing weight and overall better health and well-being!
Such habits will provide a foundation for a positive attitude and life of gratitude that looks on the brighter side of life. Health benefits of gratitude are scientifically researched and daily applications of gratitude are embraced.
Uplifting and encouraging examples are included of real people who succeeded while facing unbelievable challenges.
Humorous, as well as heart-breaking stories, illustrate how relevant these action plans are for better well-being. Impelling guidelines based upon a step-by-step approach are taught for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes self-management!
The Way of Wisdom is written to provide motivation, not for just a day, but for a lifetime!
The strategies in this book are not just theoretical, intellectual ideas. I’ve proven these strategies are essential skills in my personal diabetes management for five decades!