By Samantha Clayton, OLY, ISSA-CPT, Vice President, Worldwide Sports Performance and Fitness, Herbalife Nutrition
Exercising at home can be a challenge but with a little bit of motivation and creativity you can put together a full gym style workout using items found around the house.
Here are a Few of my Favorite go to Moves and Equipment.
Just remember that safety is the key, so avoiding using breakable items, sharp items or items that are unstable.
Backpacks Aren’t Just for School:
Using a backpack is so great for doing either front or back loaded squats and lunges. The backpack allows for even distribution of weight and it feels comfortable. You can fill the backpack with heavy books or cans of food from the pantry and perform your lunges and squats using good form.
Water Works:
Using either a water jug or refilled laundry soap containers is great for performing an upper body workout, such as bicep curls, lateral raises and the triceps press. The great thing about water containers is that you can empty some out to make it lighter or fill it to the top for heavy weights. Be creative with the type of container you wish to use. But I recommend only using containers filled with water and never actual detergent. Make sure to wash out old containers before using as a weight.
Raid the Pantry:
For lighter weight options, cans of food work wonders for the upper body and for using with basic lower body moves.
Roping for Rodeos and Beyond:
Ropes or old cords make great jump ropes. Jumping rope is so fantastic for improving your cardiovascular performance. Just be sure that you use only material that if it hits you as you jump won’t hurt you. Thick cords usually work better than thin ones.
Hand Towel Sliders:
Using a hand towel on a tile floor is great for a number of exercises, including plank position and working on stability. Simply place a towel under each foot and do sliding crunches by sliding your feet towards your chest.
Chairs for Dips:
Using a sturdy chair is great for triceps dips and even for modified pushups. A lower bench can also be great for doing step-ups. For safety, make sure the chair is sturdy. Test is by putting some pressure on it before you use your full body weight.
Find a Sack:
A sack of rice, or a pillowcase or tote bag filled with sand can be great tools. This bag method is great for weighted carry, kettle bell style exercises and medicine ball type exercises. You name it there are so many moves you can do with a simple filled bag.
Kitchen Tools:
A cast iron skillet with handles makes for a great front raise weight. Hold the handle either side and do slow controlled front raises for a great shoulder workout.
Garden Gems:
There are so many items in the garden that can help you to work up a sweat. Wheelbarrows filled with gardening materials like bags of mulch and digging in the garden can work a variety of muscles and pump your heart rate. An old water hose doubled up can be a great substitute to use as battle ropes.