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Robyn Lawley: The New Supermodel Whose Taking The Fashion World By Storm!

robyn lawley

robyn lawley

The second you meet her you’re blown away by her love for life and her electrifying charm and beauty. Robyn Lawley has taken the world by storm by breaking all stereotypes and teaching the fashion industry to embrace size diversity.

Robyn is best known for her cover of Vogue Italia’s June 2011 issue, and the first Plus-size model to be shot for Australian Vogue. Robyn was also the first Australian plus size model to be on the cover of Madison, an Australian Fashion magazine and has shot countless editorials for magazines around the world such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Look, Mode, Marie Claire and Elle magazines to name a few.

Robyn has worked with world renown photographers including Lee Broomfield, Michel Haddi, Thierry Le Goues, Raphael Mazzucco and Steven Meisel and is also the first plus-size model to appear in a campaign for Ralph Lauren.

A turning point in Robyn’s career was Vogue Australia’s decision to shoot her as the first plus size model to appear in an editorial specifically produced for Vogue Australia in the magazine’s 52 year history. The Vogue Australia’s Editor-in-Chief, Kirstie Clements, noted: “This is the first time Vogue Australia has shot a larger model and, of course, now that we have done it, I ask myself why we didn’t do it sooner. But that’s because Robyn is especially gorgeous. I went to the shoot to meet her and was transfixed by her beauty and poise. She is a truly super-duper model. When a plus-size model first turns up to the studio, she may be an anomaly to a team normally used to working with size-6’s, but once photographer Max Doyle started shooting Robyn, we quickly readjusted our preconceived notions of beauty. She doesn’t actually look plus size to me at all now.”


  • Robyn was voted the winner of the Australian Cosmopolitan Fun, Fearless Female, Rising Star Award 2011.
  • Robyn was also selected for Sydney Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People of the year award for 2011.
  • CHARITY Robyn became an ambassador for The Australian Ovarian Cancer charity in 2011.

The Stunning Supermodel Robyn Lawley reveals to us why she has a big NO-NO for dieting and her journey to embracing her curves, in an exclusive interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are best known as one of three cover models of Vogue Italia’s June 2011 issue, the second plus-size model to appear on the cover of Elle France, the first plus-size model to be shot for Australian Vogue and GQ Australia and the first Australian plus-size model to be on the cover of Australia Cosmopolitan. Tell us about this incredible break-through journey and how it all began?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

In my teens I thought that to be a fashion model you had to be really thin and unfortunately this was reinforced every time I went to a casting. Once I had a client pat me on the head and say ‘you’re just too big’ it was a really difficult time because I had dieted to the point where there was nothing left to lose. I realized that my frame was just the way it was and no amount of dieting was going to change that so I redirected my career goals into cooking and art and took a year off to take up a scholarship to study in France and travel through Europe when I was 16.

When I got back to Australia I noticed a ‘plus’ model Abby Valdes who was beautiful and in a lot of the magazines and thought I can do that. My sister told me about Abby’s agency and encouraged me to meet them. The director signed me on the spot and it took off from there!

Full Interview on Next Page!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

I enjoy kick boxing, cycling and yoga. I like exercising and sport in general, it can be challenging finding the time especially since having my daughter but I find it when I can. If I don’t exercise in a while, I don’t hold myself too accountable, I just try to get back into it.

I want women and men to accept their natural size and to stop the body hating and shaming. We’ve been inundated with a certain body type for so long it’s gratifying seeing shifts in fashion and campaigns of late.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

No, I do not diet, in fact I’m a big believer in giving up all diets. I do eat high quality food, that has been grown as local as possible (including my own garden), it’s richer in nutrients. I suppose I eat similar to the French, if I want chocolate I’ll eat it, but it’s usually rich and you don’t need much. I find diet and fat free absolute garbage.  I’m passionate about home cooking.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

Thank you, I try to protect my skin when I can while I’m working in the sun, so sunscreen is a must. I love Dr Hauscka Rose cream and Jurlique rose spray both are super hydrating and give the oil my skin needs.

I stopped dyeing my hair 10 years ago and that really helped, and just not doing much to it when I’m not working as it’s constantly having hot irons and styling done to it. Hair Treatments are great as well.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

In 2015, you became Sports Illustrated’s first plus-size model to be featured in the magazine’s Annual Swimsuit Issue. Would you like to share with us your experience?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

Of course, every time I am photographed for Sports Illustrated it is a great honour.

The first time was a huge moment for me, on so many levels. A part of me just never thought it would happen, featuring a size 14 like myself. Or if it did it would be a one hit wonder. it’s incredible to be invited back even after having a baby.

They are such an awesome team. It makes me believe size diversity is here to stay, which is such an amazing feeling. Beauty comes in all sizes always has, always will!

Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

You were voted the winner of the Australian Cosmopolitan Fun, Fearless Female, Rising Star Award 2011 and were also selected for Sydney Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People of the year award for 2011. How does it feel when you receive such appreciation and love for your hardwork?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

It’s always an honour, I hope I’m doing Australia proud. I want women and men to accept their natural size and to stop the body hating and shaming. We’ve been inundated with a certain body type for so long it’s gratifying seeing shifts in fashion and campaigns of late.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fashion models, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

Take direction and listen to the photographer. Be prepared and professional. Read call sheets properly, if it says have a tan or clean hair and face follow those req. Watch what more experienced models do and study them. If the client has references ask to see them so you know what feel they are going for. Learn how your body moves and what shapes suit you best.

Testing is a great way to build up a folio but also to build up your confidence and gives you the opportunity to study your shots and what does and doesn’t look good. For me I’ve been doing it for a while I go on auto pilot when I’m modeling it just comes out of nowhere and then when I’m off I’m more focused on making everyone laugh on set, usually at my expense. I think it’s important to get the job done but also not forget who you are as a person and have a sense of humor!


Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

You have done bold photo shoots for magazines like the Sports Illustrated, Australian Cosmopolitan, Madison magazine, Elle France, Marie Claire France, Vogue Italia, GQ Australia and many more. How are you so body confident and advice to your compatriots?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

I became more body confident oddly through modeling, seeing women my size and larger own their curves. My Aunty who is also tall is so confident in her height it helped me own mine. Now I love being tall. No one is going to give you confidence except yourself. Focus on enriching yourself through hobbies. I feel most attractive when I’m learning a new skill or creating a new design, expanding my mind.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Robyn Lawley:

I hope sharing my story helps you define your own. Always be your unique self, don’t try to fit the mould, create your own!

To know the latest from Robyn Lawley, Follow her on

Or check out her website:

Women Fitness Team thanks Robyn Lawley for giving her valuable time for this interview, enlightening us and our viewers and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

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