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Regan Hillyer: Multi-Dimensional Global Personality and Founder of Regan Hillyer International

Quote she live by “Life is not a dress rehearsal, you need to go out to live each day with intention

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Regan Anne Hillyer is a Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker and Mindset Coach and the CEO and founder of, amongst other ventures, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), a global 8-figure business. Originally, she graduated as an Architect (BArch) then was attracted to the personal development and business success niche, qualifying as an Certificated Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics Specialist and a Success Strategist, amongst other certifications and training.

Regan Hillyer International (RHI) is primarily an enterprise dedicated to inspiring and motivating people to help them have it all in their life, on their terms.

In addition, Regan is the creator of the world’s Number One Manifestation Method – the “Energetic Architecture MethodTM” a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to manifest the lives that they desire. Her results include, but are not limited to, enabling people to build multiple six and seven-figure businesses location-free, using powerful mindset changing tools and cutting-edge business development strategies.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Regan is a true thought leader in her industry and is a published, best-selling author of multiple books as well as featuring in a variety of media outlets including Forbes Magazine, Huffington Post and Cosmopolitan Magazines, and appearances on the ABC, NBC, and CBS networks.

In addition to her media appearances, Regan has appeared on the covers of and modeled feature spreads for; Forbes, Glamour Magazine, L’Officiel, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, LA Weekly, GOSS and In Touch magazines.

Born and educated in New Zealand, Regan is now principally based in Costa Rica, however, she has an internationally renowned presence and reach. Through her online platforms, Regan’s wisdom has gone viral on social media and via her in-person speaking engagements and retreats, Regan continues to empower and impact the lives of millions of people.

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Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Regan Hillyer an exceptionally talented, world-leading social media personality, model, Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker and Mindset Coach here she talks about her business venture Regan Hillyer International (RHI), programs she offer, her fitness routine, her diet, and her success story.

Namita Nayyar:

You were born and educated at New Zealand and later shifted to Costa Rica a distance of 9000 miles away. This later propelled your career to the height where you are the CEO and founder of, amongst other ventures, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), a global 8-figure business. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance?

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Regan Hillyer:

After graduating from University, at the age of 20, and being what was, essentially, a broke student, I explored various wealth strategies, including property investment, currency trading, sales, business start-ups and marketing. Although my initial startups were remarkably successful, earning over a million dollars, I walked away from them because I wasn’t fulfilled in running those businesses and none of them brought me true happiness or fulfillment. They did not make me feel that my working life was worthwhile or that I was in any way impacting people for the better on a broader scale, and I was still searching for what my actual life purpose was.

It was my tenacity and the desire for entrepreneurialism and self-determination that spurred me on to continue the search for that purpose, and that subsequently propelled me forwards on a personal development journey, to become a Certificated Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics Specialist, and a Success Strategist, among other certifications and training. And, eventually to create Regan Hillyer International (RHI).

Namita Nayyar:

You graduated as an Architect (BArch) but was attracted to the personal development and business success niche, qualifying as an Certificated Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics Specialist and a Success Strategist, amongst other certifications and training. What has been the catalyst that led you to changing your profession as an architect to Mindset Coach and a Success Strategist?

Regan Hillyer:

I graduated with a BArch, but my heart wasn’t sympathetic with the work niche, hence the tangent into personal development qualifications. I was trying to discover my purpose and looking for the ‘thing’ that would bring me the most happiness professionally. During this period of personal development education and up skilling, I found myself casually helping and supporting friends, including old school peers, who were struggling with depression, drug addiction, and low self-esteem. Using my new qualifications and achieving significant results with them, I received referrals via these friends, to help others. These early experiences made me realize that facilitating healing, growth and learning in others brought me the most pleasure and fulfillment.

This realization led me to establish my coaching and personal development business, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), which has since grown exponentially into a global, multi 8-figure, live, and online enterprise. I developed the “Laser CoachingTM” system, recognized as an industry gold standard method that empowers trained and certified coaches to achieve maximum results for their clients in record time.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

You are the world-leading social media personality, model, Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker, Multimillionaire, Global Speaker, Professional Photographer, Digital Storyteller and Mindset Coach. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Regan Hillyer:

The first step is to realize that these multi-dimensional worlds, and the continuum in between, do not exist in a vacuum. They are inexorably intertwined. It‘s about the combinations of personal development, business strategy, and spirituality. My own journey into this understanding started when I unearthed the profound impact of the combination of personal development and mindset shift. It dawned on me that personal success, whether it be business or spiritually focused, goes beyond mere strategy; and a step-by-step pathway that you can just implement, it hinges on understanding and alignment at an energetic level, which is what my RHI programs focus on as well.

Plus, I am super-organized and thoroughly supported by an awesome team of exceptional professionals that I have built into a team, who underpin me with my various projects, schemes and passions and who understand my vision and my métier. I also manage it by prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, establishing non-negotiable routines and always seeking alignment with my purpose.

Namita Nayyar:

You are the creator of the world’s Number One Manifestation Method – the “Energetic Architecture Method TM” a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to manifest the lives that they desire. Elaborate this unique concept and method yours for benefit of our readers and how can they join this course?

Regan Hillyer:

My unique, pioneering ‘Energetic Architecture Method’TM’ has been recognized as the “World’s Number One Manifestation Modality” * And, I have been dubbed ‘The Queen of Manifestation’.

‘Energetic Architecture Method ‘TM’ is a transformative framework that combines energy work, mindset mastery, and strategic planning to create a harmonious path to success. Along the pathway on my journey to building a multi-8 figure, online business, I realized that success isn’t solely about strategy but also about alignment on an energetic level. The ‘Energetic Architecture Method ‘TM’ is a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to become clear on their goals to call in and manifest the lives and the financial freedom that they desire.

My results include, but are not limited to, enabling people to build multiple six and seven-figure businesses location-free, from the ground up, facilitating dramatic personal healing and health changes, manifestation and attraction of their ideal soul mate and even overcoming fertility challenges. This modality uses powerful mindset changing tools and cutting-edge business development strategies to energize and transform personal lives.

One key aspect to focus on is mindset. Cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset can be a powerful catalyst for personal development. I have a number of specialized programs to initiate the individual into the processes and practical exercises around building a mindset and manifestation skillset. My programs delve into mindset shifts, helping individuals break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset that fosters resilience and abundance. Additionally, incorporating daily practices such as meditation, gratitude, visualization and journaling can be instrumental in creating a strong foundation for personal growth. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination.

Stay committed to your growth, be open to learning, and trust the process – the transformation you seek begins from within.

I welcome clients who are open to learning and understanding exactly how this unique modality actually functions. The ‘Energetic Architecture Method’TM’ is pivotal to all of my Regan Hillyer International programs and courses and clients can choose from a range of initiatives and programs at various stages and levels that match their understanding and needs. And, of course, I am also available to selected clients for personal mentoring.

I have a success strategy team that is always available to mentor and guide the new individual to the best program route for their vision, aims and stage. Anyone can have an obligation-free chat with them. Check out my complete set of relevant programs here:

*Wealth Insider Magazine.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

You have a highly popular program that you offer “Millionaire Mastery-a Premium Platinum Mentorship” Tell us more about this exciting program.

Regan Hillyer:

My highly successful program Millions, Manifesting & Magic has consistently produced a newly minted crop of millionaires each year since its inception and within this structure, offers a Platinum Mentorship program. This is for those clients who come to me to enroll in the program as they have plateaued in their quest to boost their business incomes to the multi-million dollar level and who need something just a bit more personally tailored to their particular needs. It is based around the fact that, on my journey to building my business to become a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, I made more mistakes and regrettable decisions than I care to relate. This knowledge, my perseverance and discovery of what actually ‘works’ are the foundation stones of my program. Because I have walked the road, I am uniquely qualified to mentor, educate and inform.

Namita Nayyar:

Your Video “How to brain wash 7 Billion People” has spectacular 21.7 million impressions. Share some content of this video that reached such greater height on the popularity charts.

Regan Hillyer:

I have always been deeply frustrated by the way that the mainstream media controls what we, as consumers, see, under the guise of ‘news’ and ‘information’ and ‘the public good’. And this is across all channels and across all formats.

There are a few takeout’s from this video and also it obviously resonated with a huge number of people across the globe.

  1. The ‘news’ is a multi-billion dollar industry that relies on advertising dollars and controlled by big corporates.
  2. The media companies cover a handful of ‘stories’ to cover, every day. So there is a 24 hour slot that has to be filled with ‘content’. The narrative is controlled in order to manipulate the public. Fear mongering.
  3. Your brain is hard-wired to react to danger and fear, it’s a basic survival instinct. The media uses this basic fear to trick, manipulate and control your thoughts. Your fear = money. You will make purchases based on these manipulations.
  4. The media can manipulate and coerce how you vote as well! Showing negative candidate or positive candidate ‘news’ as they see fit. Promoting some things and completely ignoring other things.
  5. Essentially and more importantly, in this day and age of the rise of A.I. you need to put a after the end of each and every headline…and ask yourself….really?
Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

You offer a program “Love Up” that is a 8-week, divinely-inspired online immersion into the highest frequency of love and soul connection, designed for one to find clarity on who your soul match is and call them in fast, get clear on what you desire in your current relationship & up level, or embody divine union codes so you and your partner can grow together. Tell us more about this very unique course that you offer and that is rare to find in today’s world.

Regan Hillyer:

Love Up is such a popular program. I devised this with my husband, Juan Pablo Baraonha, so many of our clients would come to us and on the outside it seemed that they had everything. They were affluent, positive, and in every way, seemed fulfilled and energized, and yet, often, they had been unable to attract the soul mate of their dreams. Their personal lives were littered with fractured heartbreak, destructive relationships and relationship trauma.

Our program, Love Up, unpacks the whys and wherefores of attraction to assist individuals to get clear on what qualities they desire in their relationships. It is designed for them to find clarity on who their soul match is and call them in fast, and how to understand and embody the divine union codes so they and their partner can then grow together. Love Up is an 8-week journey into a divinely inspired online immersion into the highest frequency of love and soul connection.

Namita Nayyar:

You are the founder of Regan Hillyer International, companies dedicated to helping people have it all on their terms, in whatever way that looks like for them. Kindly elaborate on the offerings of this company to the prospective clients of yours who wish to have services from your esteemed organization.

Regan Hillyer:

Regan Hillyer International (RHI) is an education, business and personal development company that offer multiple programs, courses, inspirational immersions and a full, online, safe community of like-minded souls – Ignite with Regan. RHI specializes in assisting people to think outside of the square, find their purpose and create a life that they truly love. In the past eight years, I have coached and facilitated hundreds of thousands of clients to manifest and build the life, relationship, and business of their dreams.
I am recognized globally as a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, energetic coach, international speaker, mindset coach, thought leader, and empath, and my programs and courses reflect all of these aspects. And, through my RHI online platform, I empower and impact the lives of millions of people worldwide. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing a client take on the world in their chosen niche, create the money that they wish to, and in the process, pay it forward and give back to society.

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Regan Hillyer:

As a regular global traveler I rely on a well-founded health and fitness formula to support me through a busy, and often, hectic work and lifestyle schedule. What if I told you your health, body and energy levels were essentially an internal game as opposed to an external one? This concept is somewhat counterintuitive, in a world where a new diet, new exercise regime or health protocol comes up every other day. For me this idea is in line with my commitment to powerful mindset training tools.
It is 80% internal, 15% around eating and 5% on how I choose to move my body. Plus, here’s an example regular workout/strength training for my shoulders that looks like this:

Perform four sets of each exercise – 1) Dumbbell Lateral Raise, 2) Dumbbell Alternating Anterior Deltoid Raise, 3) Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press, 4) Upright Row, for the amount of reps (20/15/10/20). Rest one minute between each set. Pay particular attention to tempo: 1:3 seconds. For example with a Shoulder Press, breathe out and push up for one second, taking three seconds to come down, having the weights around ear-level whilst you breathe in. Use body-mind connection to put your energy and intention into the muscle. Total time 45-50 minutes.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Regan Hillyer:

I commence my day upon waking with a routine that is a ‘must do’ that involves a mixture of journaling, meditation, manifestation and mental exercises around gratitude, thankfulness and leaning into the projects that I have on hand that I wish to progress and bring to fruition.

And, every day I talk to my body, love it from the inside and the outside, tell my body that it is beautiful and request that it manifests itself to be what I desire. I talk to my muscles requesting intentional growth and definition and also communicate with ‘stuck’ toxic fat cells requesting of my body that it removes these with ease. This is my morning ritual, it takes only 5 or 10 minutes and I firmly believe that this ritual doesn’t have to consume your life or your working day to be effective.

Then I move, with my regime as per above and I always add abs onto the end of every workout, Plank and Crunch to engage this muscle group and not collapsing. 5 sets. I have also found that when I fast I have more energy, more mental clarity and focus, I feel lighter and my skin tone is brighter and my eyes clearer. Initially, it was quite hard to break the usual schedule of three meals per day and I used to be really attached to the myth that to have a super toned body, you have to eat more and exercise hard out. However, now it is easy and such a part of my normal routine that any old patterns and programs that I practiced in the past, in my desire for some ‘perfect’ shape that seemed constantly elusive, just appear now, on recollection, to be odd and inappropriate.

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Regan Hillyer:

Wherever I go, I always let where I am staying know in advance of my health and eating requirements including not using cheap seed oils on the food and options that are not fried or full of sugar. I am also fully committed to my nutritional supplementation and my adherence to my daily regime that includes fasting in the mornings until after 11am and some days until after 2pm.

I’m a huge fan of intermittent fasting, and depending on my working and flying schedule, I regularly fast for up to 20 hours a day, then I eat within the following four hour window. During this four hour window I eat whatever my body desires. Generally, it’s mostly highly nutrient-rich foods, as I have experienced that intermittent fasting resets your body and eliminates cravings for sugar and toxic foods.

So, how do I maintain my energy levels during the 20 hours fast? Of course, some of the time is spent sleeping; other than that I drink herbal teas, avoiding caffeine, keeping hydrated with Liquid Light Water Technology and then I break the fast with a protein shake, jam packed with quality super foods. My water intake of at least a gallon a day is supported with excellent nutrition. I eat whole, organic nourishing fools that fuel me with a focus on protein and good fats. As an intuitive eater, I listen to my body and account for shifts in my cycle or training. Even when I travel, which is 4 – 5 months of the year, I stay organized with packable options, powdered proteins or bone broth.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Regan Hillyer:

I enjoy all natural, organic foods and eat a varied diet, including protein, seafood and an array of fruit and vegetables; foods I keep to a minimum and completely avoid are essentially all processed, snack and ‘diet’ foods.

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Regan Hillyer:

To balance productivity with self-care, I have more or less pioneered my own beauty regimen, including skin, hair, nails, with an emphasis on overall ‘inside and out’ beauty and wellness that keeps me feeling radiant and confident. I believe that beauty and wellness is diffused through the skin and is non-negotiable; I prioritize hydration, consuming at least 4 – 6 liters of water per day of my Liquid Light Water Technology, I eat a healthy organic diet, and use only quality, natural skincare products.

For my hair, I use a castor oil treatment on my scalp once a week and for my skin, I like to keep it simple. I only use organic products and I actually use an organic beef tallow preparation on my face and body, overnight, for deeper moisturization. I believe that confidence in your appearance and ‘who you are’ is an essential aspect of realizing, calling in and manifesting your desires and goals.

Namita Nayyar:

A quote you live by.

Regan Hillyer:

After I had graduated, and when discussing “What next” with my father about not continuing with an architectural career, I recall his words, that I have continued to live by daily, he said, “Regan, life is not a dress rehearsal, you need to go out to live each day with intention.” And, I do.

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about a day in the life of “Regan Hillyer”.

Regan Hillyer

I have touched on my morning routine for mind and body health (as above) that is non-negotiable and even more important when I am traveling. My days are varied and contain a wide and interesting array of requests, tasks and events. If I am not traveling, it is a virtual meeting with my key team members to cover off the current promotions, up-coming events, webinars and workshops and any client information to share, as well as business financial and demographic

Then, there will be Platinum client coaching meetings and communications, as well as email and message communications, invitations to events and requests for articles, filming and photoshoots. Of course, I am always creating content, updating content and formulating new courses and programs.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

A pencil of Promise is A Global Community that believes everyone deserves access to quality education. JuanPa and you that through your audience support including American Apparel’s Matching of one’s Donations, you were able to raise over $40,000. Elaborate on this and your other endeavors of yours of giving back to society?

Regan Hillyer:

My business success has not just enriched my life but also the lives of many others. I am wholeheartedly committed to philanthropy and “giving back” to a global community. It is that authenticity that encourages my soul mate tribe to also donate to my favorite causes. They know that JuanPa and I thoroughly investigate the structure and the people behind the charities to ensure maximum impact at the grassroots level. And they trust us. I have consistently supported causes close to my heart, including support for establishing schools in impoverished countries, youth education and opportunity through my RHI Scholarship scheme, health projects and young female empowerment.

My philanthropic efforts are a testament to my belief in the importance of lifting others and taking others with me as I climb. My commitment to philanthropy and “giving back” to the global community is one of my driving forces. This contribution tophilanthropy now sits at over US$115,000 currently. In addition, through the Nest initiatives, we are also giving back to our localcommunity in Costa Rica and working on environmental projects, for example, we recently facilitated the planting of over 10,000 trees on The Nest site. In addition, we have launched an initiative to raise the consciousness of other like-minded eco-activists to protect the pristine waterways and rivers and the threatened biodiversity of Costa Rica.
Success is not measured solely by personal achievements, but by the positive impact we make on the world. Giving back is not a choice; it’s a responsibility. – Regan Hillyer

Namita Nayyar:

Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.

Regan Hillyer:

I am fond of the brands Alo, Zella, Lululemon, Nike Athleta and FP Movement by Free People. However, I am careful to reject ‘fast’ fashion and choose materials that meet my standards of recycled and eco sound materials, including clothing from fabric that is made from harvested, plastic fishing and ocean waste.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Regan Hillyer:

Ahh, I have so many! And I do find myself returning to my all round favorites. I adore the Greek Islands and return regularly to the lesser known tourist destinations and explore the simpler, outer islands. I visited the Maldives recently and stayed at an exceptional wellness resort on one of the outer islands – that was simply magical and I cried when I had to leave! The fun of arriving and departing by float plane was just so novel and unique.

One of my most recent trips was to Goa, India and it gave me the travel bug to explore more and further afield in this diverse, incredible sub-continent. Wish list destinations that I have never been to and will be aiming to travel to, include visits to Africa and also Japan.

Namita Nayyar:

You have done great photo shoots for Magazines like Forbes, Glamour Magazine, L’Officiel, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, LA Weekly, GOSS, Cosmopolitan and In Touch magazine and on your Instagram handle @reganhillyer. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?

Regan Hillyer:

As I mentioned above, body confidence is not about living into someone else’s ideals or conforming to someone else’s ‘rules’ about body shape. For me this idea is in line with my commitment to powerful mindset training tools. I believe that you can be either in contraction or expansion with your health and that your physical and mental health are inexorably intertwined. When you are operatingfrom a place of fear, doubt and worry in your life, when you are in a constant state of fret and anxiety, your whole system will contract.

When this happens, instead of encouraging your body to expand outwards, choosing calm, choosing love and an abundance of health that facilitates expansion, we unwittingly, actively choose and impose unwellness on our bodies. Therefore, I always make my mental health, physical health and my fitness a priority and a necessary commitment. As I have always traveled with my vocation and businesses and am now back, post pandemic, to being fully immersed in this aspect of my career, my advice is to find a simple fitness routine that you love and can do anywhere, in any climate and in any situation, without the need for complicated equipment.

My advice is to be yourself and don’t punish your body with toxic regimes that are not ideal for your body. Find your own way of maintaining fitness and health and mental happiness with your body confidence.

Namita Nayyar:

You frequently conduct about a week retreat workshops like ‘Highest Self Magnetism Retreat’, ‘Releasing Into Abundance and ‘In-Fusion Costa Rica’. They cover very intriguing topics and niche content. Such topics are very rare and unique. Like Highest Self Magnetism Retreat uses the healing power of the voice combined with primeval voice release to enact the keys to manifestation, the ability to step into your power, and showcase your true human potential. Releasing Into Abundance Retreat in Peru is a 9-day intense, full immersion retreat using ancient wisdom and the guidance of sacred plant medicines to unleash abundance in all areas of one’s life. The In-Fusion Leadership Immersion has been designed for individuals who are ready to take their entire being to the next level within an intimate, trusted circle.

The content of these retreats are nowhere to be found around the world. Tell us more about these retreats, your joining members success stories after attending these programs and how you are able to cope up with immense rush of clients wishing to join this limited membership super popular programs.

Regan Hillyer:

These are all live events that are completely unique and fully immersive, they are for people who are committed to personal growth, transformation and expansion. They are all intimate forums where every human has the ability to unlock his or her greatness.

Releasing Into Abundance in Peru is an immersion for deep mindset re-wiring and steeping in the ancient wisdom of the Sharman Peruvians. It is a complete retreat experience, guiding you to ground into your purpose and transforming that purpose so that you can show up in the world in a bigger way Here’s what one of our attendees said about Releasing Into Abundance… ” The Releasing Into Abundance retreat has opened up so many doors for myself and my business that I don’t exaggerate in saying that it was one of the most important experiences of my life. My best business partnerships have grown from it and all of the wonderfulness I am rapidly manifesting this year is directly correlated with the deep inner-work of that amazing retreat”.

In-Fusion Costa Rica is an innovative blend of amazing contemporary, scientific understandings and quantum technologies fused with ancient ancestral wisdom and practices woven into a combined super high-level leadership immersion. It is a 7-Day event to combine with like-minded people, learn valuable personal and leadership skills to expand knowledge and wealth, and create abundance in all life areas.
Here’s what a couple who attended In-Fusion Retreat had to say… “In-Fusion retreat was beyond our expectations. It was a life-changing retreat and we loved every aspect of it. All of the quantum technology, ceremonies and vibe it had were absolutely amazing….The retreat facilities couldn’t be any better. …It’s just a piece of heaven on earth….thank you for all your experience, knowledge, wisdom andthe tools you shared with us so that we could become higher versions of ourselves”.

Other than Releasing Into Abundance in Peru, our immersive retreats are held at our Costa Rican property; The Nest Costa Rica.

The Nest Costa Rica is a luxury, eco-sustainable retreat that is enshrined on sacred land in a vital vortex of ancient history and the tribal wisdoms of Costa Rica. Somewhere to be grounded, where our retreat guests can surrender to the bliss and co-create within this extraordinary piece of blessed land and be a part of a conscious community.

The Nest is a place to indulge, and offers a state-of-the-art wellness spa with a menu of latest generation technologies, modern treatments, assessments and premium medi-spa and cryotherapeutic services. Designed for biohacking, rejuvenation, revivaland renewal, The Ascension Spa at The Nest is a comprehensive therapeutic facility of first-class equipment, appliances and apparatus to stimulate the body to repair itself in a 100% natural, safe and effective way.

The Ascension Spa at The Nest offers treatments and remedies to relieve and treat inflammation and pain, eliminate fat and stimulate blood circulation, amongst others, for a complete wellness upgrade.
The Nest Costa Rica is available for other thought leaders and practitioners to bring their soul mate tribes to educate utilize and enjoy the luxury eco-accommodation, facilities and conscious spaces.

Photo Credits: Paul Buceta

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?

Regan Hillyer: is a positive, life-affirming, up-to-date site for all women. A safe space where women can truly browse important issues that affect us all on a daily basis, from fitness and mental health issues through to topical trending information for the latest on-line concerns, good health and optimum nutrition. A regular visit to this contemporary, active site to keep current and informed is a must! Most enjoyable reading.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding women entrepreneurs, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of entrepreneurship?

Regan Hillyer:

Building an Empire: My Regan Hillyer Four Top Tips:

As a female entrepreneur, I understand the unique challenges women face in the business world. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of attributes such as resilience, self-belief, and determination. I have encountered prejudices and biases on the rise to my ascension, but I overcame them, shattering the glass ceiling by always keeping focused on my vision and refusing to be defined by, or living into, others’ expectations of me.

My business is based on empowering countless individuals to grow their personal brands and amass wealth and abundance. My top four tips for building an empire and achieving financial independence are:
Cultivate a winning mindset: Believe in your potential, your innate abilities and talents and the power of your thoughts. “Your thoughts create your reality, so choose them wisely.”

Align your energy: Remove blockages, doubts, and negative beliefs to manifest your desires. “Manifestation is not magic; it’s a skill that can be learned and mastered.”

Take strategic action: Combine your newfound mindset and energy alignment with strategic planning and execution. “Success is not about luck; it’s about believing in yourself and taking consistent action.”

Surround yourself with helpful mentors and positive people. “You are what you tolerate in your life.”

Namita Nayyar:

You have an impressive Instagram following of 1.1 million followers. A message for your ardent admirers.

Regan Hillyer:

Embarking on a journey of personal discovery and development is an exciting and transformative endeavor. As someone who is deeply passionate about guiding individuals toward unlocking their fullest potential, I would advise anyone beginning this journey to start with a foundation of self-awareness. Understanding who you are at your core, your values, and your true desires lays the groundwork for meaningful growth. In my programs, I emphasize the importance of introspection and provide practical tools to navigate this self-discovery process.

Now is the time, not next week, next month or next year, for you to step into your personal greatness and truly embrace a life that you love.

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness

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