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Psyllium Husk: Health Benefits

Psyllium fiber comes from the small reddish brown to black seeds of the Plantago psyllium plant. Plantago grows as a weed in many places around the world and is commercially cultivated in Spain, France, India, Pakistan and other countries. Psyllium seeds are commonly dried and ground and sold in the form of powders, capsules or chewable tablets. Every 100 grams of psyllium provides 71 grams of soluble fiber; a similar amount of oat bran would contain only 5 grams of soluble fiber.

It needs to be noted that a poor waste elimination promotes poisonous toxic buildup, the immune system becomes weakened and the body is vulnerable to diseases. A healthy colon that is clean provides a strong defense against the many pathogens that invade the body.

How does Psyllium works? When mixed with water, the fibrous husks of psyllium seeds form a gel-like mass that absorbs excess water from the intestines and creates larger, softer stools. In the case of constipation, the added water and bulk help to soften stools, making them easier to pass. You can take 7.5 grams of the husk one to two times per day. This can be taking with milk, juice & water.

Health Benefits:

This pure, natural fiber can be mixed with 8 to 16 ounces of water or juice. It will absorb the water and become thick, so it should be drank immediately after mixing. And, since it does absorb so much excess water, make sure that you drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

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