- Introduction
- Continuous Training
- Importance Of Cardiovascular Training
- Interval Training
- Cardiovascular Training Methods
- Composite Training
- Body Types and Acceptance
- Measuring Progress
- Safety Precaustions
- Monitoring Heart Rate
- Heart Zone Training
- Importance of Combining Components of Training
- Warming Up and Stretching
- Cooling Down
- Frequency of Exercise
- Duration of Exercise
- Intensity of Exercise
- Recommendations for Exercise in Pregnancy and Postpartum
- Contraindications to Exercise
The WF cardiovascular exercise content is your on-line "how to" manual. Everything you need to know about cardiovascular exercise and exactly how to achieve the results you desire is taught in the manual.
The cardiovascular exercise content is
16 pages long and can be viewed on your computer or printed out. All
the examples in this contents are linked to visual demonstrations
that will enhance your understanding.
Below is a list of all the very important topics we'll discuss throughout the cardiovascular exercise content.

In the cardiovascular exercise component, you will find information on :
- The benefits of cardiovascular exercise.
- The Principles and guidelines for:
Warming-up, stretching, and cooling-down to assure safety and effective.
- How many days per week you should exercise.
- How long each exercise session should last for maximum benefits
- How to monitor your training intensity.
- The five different training zones and how to identify the best zone for achieving your goal.
- How to overcome plateaus by using different training techniques that affective boredom and produce new results.
- Guidelines for determining an activities potential for generating cardiovascular benefits.
- How to combine strength training, flexibility training, and good nutrition into cardiovascular exercise program.
- Ways to stay motivated.
- Your body type, what results you can expect.
- The best ways to measure progress.
- The precautions you should follow to assure safety.
Importance Of Cardiovascular Training

Women Fitness (WF) believes that the kind of
body a women desire is completely in her hands. As the old cell die
and the new ones replace them, the new cells are totally dependent
upon the building material we supply it. The food we eat, the
liquids we drink and the air we breathe determine the body we will
possess in near future. Exercise plays an important role to maintain
a fit body and sooner we realize this the better we will feel.
Cardiovascular exercise consists of a variety of exercises, which
increase the demand of oxygen by the body after 20-30 minutes. With
the maintenance of heart rate at 55-85% of the estimated maximum
heart rate laid down for every women she can workout to achieve the
body she desires.
Increase Ability To Handle Stress (Biochemical) |
Decrease Blood Pressure |
Increase Aerobic Threshold |
Decreases Blood Tri-glyceride. |
Increase Fat Burning Enzymes |
Decreases Body Fat |
Increases Glycogen Storage |
Decreases Incidence of Hypoglycemia |
Increases Hemoglobin |
Decreases Insulin Requirement |
Increases Muscle Mass |
Decreases Load On The Heart |
Increases Stroke Volume of Heart |
Decreases Muscle Dependence On Sugar |
Improves Bone Calcium |
Decreases Resting Heart Rate |
Improves Blood High Density Cholesterol |
Decreases Stress (Attitude) |
Improves Resistance To Cold |
Avoid Senility-Increases Oxygen Delivery To Brain |
Emotional Lift |
Easier To Exercise |
Less Conversion Of Sugar To Fat |
Higher Level Of Exercise Possible |
Oxygen Pickup In The Lungs |
More Calories Burned |
Fat Deposits Release Fatty Acids Better |
More Fat Calories Burned |
Better Control Of Hunger |
More Calories Required At Rest |
Cardiovascular Training Methods

It is important that you understand and
implement the different methods of cardiovascular exercise into your
program. It's critical that you realize the different options of a
cardiovascular program so you can overcome any plateaus you
encounter and prevent boredom. Both of which eventually happen if
you continue to do the same exercise and the same training style.
You should always be going through a momentum phase in your
cardiovascular exercise program where you continue to achieve good
results. Thus when you reach a plateau, you want to change your
routine and implement a new method. We will teach you the three
different training methods to help you achieve a successful
cardiovascular program. Namely, interval training, composite
training and continuous training, each having its own significance
in a fitness program.