Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Paulina Gálvez:
For swimming, Speedo has always been my favorite, and for sneakers Nike, Adidas, Puma and New Balance.
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Paulina Gálvez:
Places I haven’t been yet: Japan, Australia, Mozambique, Iceland and Bahia in Brazil.
Namita Nayyar:
You as an acting artist work in Films, Television Series, Theater, and Short Films. Which medium of entertainment do you enjoy doing the most and why?
Paulina Gálvez:
I love them all. What I enjoy the most is a great character telling a good story with an amazing crew.
Namita Nayyar:
You won in 2016 Best One woman show Miami Life Awards for “Taitantos”. How do such honors and nominations act as catalysts to motivate you to reach greater heights in the field of acting?
Paulina Gálvez:
Awards are a really strange deal. Since what we do is something so subjective to the eyes of the viewer, I always think of them as recognition from a specific group of people and lately I’ve started to honor that. I used to keep my awards hidden and now I have them close to my desk and depending on the day I have, they can be a pushing tool or a caress.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?
Paulina Gálvez:
Taking care of ourselves inside and out is a crucial matter and your site is a great source of information.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding actresses, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of acting?
Paulina Gálvez:
Define success in your own words and don’t let other’s dreams usurp yours. Every path is different and you must find yours. You will meet amazing companions and will learn a lot about yourself and life. I realized that the most talented human beings are the most interesting people and I like to think that this profession can help us grow. So simply live your life with your actor awareness and you are going to have a great journey.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is your message to the social media followers on Instagram?
Paulina Gálvez:
I just try to show some parts of myself that I’m not shy about or that nobody asked me to show but I feel the need to tell, and I’m not talking about my body. I don’t judge what others do with the social media, but I don’t post things only to get followers. It has to match my real self.
Paulina Gálvez Social Media Presence
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