Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Paulina Gálvez:
That’s my weakness actually… After two kids (born by c section), I have to work really hard to get them in shape. And after menopause it’s even harder to lose fat in some areas, so it’s all about what you eat and paying much more attention to it. I’m not obsessed with getting the perfect abs but with getting stronger ones (so they protect my lower back) and less inflammation in the area.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Paulina Gálvez:
I grew up in Spain, so I’ve got all the dishes for a healthy Mediterranean diet from my grandmother. That’s my secret. And I don’t like sweets at all, that’s my luck. But most important, I listen to my body that tells me clearly what is good or bad for it.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Paulina Gálvez:
I love greens, especially artichoke and cucumber, and I also love goat cheese, olive oil, and fish. I don’t eat many things fried; I prefer to slow cook and use the oven. As I said I don’t like sweets, nor elaborated creamy sauces and I try not to eat too much pizza and pasta that I love.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Paulina Gálvez:
Since my hair is curly I use specific products to treat it and maintain the curls alive. And I don’t straight or dry it until it’s needed (for a character or an event). I don’t wear any make up in a daily basis, just product in my eyelashes and eyebrow and tones of moisturizing in my lips. I clean my skin every night and use sunscreen every day (even in winter). I also use a serum and moisturizing day and night. And I sleep very well…that helps a lot!
Namita Nayyar:
Being before the camera while shooting for a film or while doing theater involves long hours of being under heavy makeup. Kindly give a few makeup tips and what you practice post-makeup at night to keep the skin, hair, and eyes safe.
Paulina Gálvez:
I always clean my skin very gently to remove all make up before sleep, and I apply my serum and treatment cream. If I’m in a dry city or a humid one I choose a different treatment cream since I have combination skin that reacts differently in each weather and I also change the brands I use often so I guess I can get the best from everyone.
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