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Nicole Arseneau: Empowering Women Through Her Expertise

Photo credits: @leahsmith.branding

Nicole Arseneau is a Fitness expert par excellence. She is a multi-faceted individual as a mom of three boys, published fitness model, writer, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, entrepreneur, and secondary math teacher. Her own health and fitness journey has been filled with ups and downs, just like many others. After trying various diets without lasting success, she turned to a coach (Coach Jaclyn, Team Strong Girls) for help. With her guidance and her exposure to the natural wellness industry, she discovered a sustainable weight loss method and achieved her own body transformation. This experience, along with her education from Coach JVB’s (Owner of Strong Fitness Magazine) Strong Formula Program and further courses on nutrition, fitness, weight loss, women’s health, gut health, hormones and body sculpting, led me to develop her Empower, Balance, Thrive methodology for complete body transformation.

As a highly qualified professional, she holds a Hons. BSc. in Biochemistry with a minor in math, Bachelor of Education, PN-1 Nutrition Certification, NCI Nutrition Certificate, BCI Certificate, Strong Formula Certificate (Strong Fitness Magazine certified coach), and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. She is also the co-founder of the Centre for Advanced Medicine Inc., a published Fitness Model, Writer, and Author.

As a busy mom, she has learned five important life lessons that she wish to share. Growing up in an environment of poverty and addiction, she learned to be resourceful and value education as her key to a better life. She worked hard through high school and university to pursue her passion for math and science, and eventually found a career as a teacher, which she fell in love with. Her experiences has taught her the power of independence and self-confidence, which she try to impart on to the younger women as a mentor.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

She has learned the importance of prioritizing her own well-being, which has allowed her to be a better mom and wife. Fueling her body with whole foods and staying active has been a priority for her family, and she encourages women of all ages to take control of their health, as well.

Her experiences have taught her the power of education, independence, and self-care, and the importance of empowering and supporting other women along the way.

She is a teacher, co-founder of a non-profit organization focused on providing a safe space to mentor young women, and alongside her husband, she has designed, built and currently co-owns three state-of-the-art medical clinics; Advanced Medicine and Innerstrong Fitness bringing together a functional medical approach to optimal health. She believes optimal health can only be achieved through working on the integral function of each of the body systems coupled with mindset, weight bearing, endurance training. Her clients are taught sustainable lifestyle methodologies interwoven with state-of-the-art functional medical modalities that are proven to enhance performance, recovery and the body’s ability to break down fat.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Nicole Arseneau an exceptionally talented Fitness expert, writer, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, entrepreneur, and Fitness model here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, her beauty secrets, and her success story.

Namita Nayyar:

Where were you born and had your early education? Later you became a NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. This propelled your career to the height where you have been a leading fitness expert. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.

Nicole Arseneau:

I was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and grew up in various small towns in northern Ontario. Later, I attended the University of Manitoba, Laurentian University, and Nipissing University. Life has presented both challenges and wonderful experiences. As a child, I faced my fair share of struggles, but they fueled my inner drive and determination to pursue education as a means of changing my life. I’ve always had a strong desire to empower women in my social network and those I teach to do the same. I’m incredibly grateful for the amazing people in my life who shared their knowledge and skills, believed in me, and encouraged me to follow my passion and use my abilities to help other women become confident, strong and fit, and to reach their full potential.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

Namita Nayyar:

You hold Hons. BSc. in Biochemistry with a minor in math, Bachelor of Education, PN-1 Nutrition Certification, NCI Nutrition Certificate, BCI Certificate, Strong Formula Certificate (Strong Fitness Magazine certified coach), and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. How this educational background has been the catalyst in becoming a leading Fitness Expert and a Fitness Trainer. Tell us more about your professional life and achievements.

Nicole Arseneau:

My educational background has been an integral part of my journey as a leading fitness expert and trainer. My degree in biochemistry with a minor in math has given me a deep understanding of the science behind nutrition and fitness, allowing me to design personalized programs that are both effective and safe for my clients.

My Bachelor of Education has also been invaluable in my career. As a secondary teacher, I was able to develop strong communication and leadership skills that I have applied to my work as a fitness trainer. I am able to connect with my clients and motivate them to achieve their goals, whether that is losing weight, gaining strength, or improving their overall health.

In addition to my academic qualifications, I hold several certifications, including the PN-1 Nutrition Certification, NCI Nutrition Certification, training at the business coaching institute, Strong Formula Certification, GGS – Certified Women’s Coaching Specialist (in progress) and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer (in process). These certifications have allowed me to expand my knowledge and expertise in the field of fitness and nutrition, and to offer my clients the latest and most effective training methods.
As a co-founder of a non-profit organization for young women, I have also been able to use my knowledge and experience to guide and mentor struggling young women, emphasizing the importance of education and knowledge in creating a better life. Through my work as a fitness expert and trainer, I have been able to empower women of all ages to be strong and confident, both physically and mentally, and to achieve their full potential.

Photo Credit: @leahsmith.branding

Namita Nayyar:

You are the leading fitness expert, published fitness model, writer, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, entrepreneur, secondary math teacher, and a mother of three boys. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Nicole Arseneau:

My achievements as a fitness expert and trainer include are being featured in several fitness publications, including Inside Fitness Magazine, and being recognized as one of the top trainers in the industry.

I am a leading fitness expert, published fitness model, writer, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, entrepreneur, secondary math teacher and a mother of three boys. I manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle by using these strategies.

Photo Credit: @leahsmith.branding 09 |

But it is important to note that not all individuals are made the same and some are able to handle more than others. That does not mean that one is better than the other. We are all unique. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to find what strategies and techniques work best for you, and to constantly reassess and adjust as needed. Balancing multiple responsibilities and interests can be challenging, but with the right mindset and approach, it’s possible to thrive in all areas of life. I set goals and go after each of them with intention, show up consistently and little by little achieve all my goals.

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Nicole Arseneau:

I started my fitness journey working out at home. I have since moved to a gym setting. I have a well-rounded resistance training program that includes a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups.

Hip thrusts, deadlifts, barbell squats, lunges, and Bulgarian split squats are all compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups at once, making them effective for building overall strength and muscle mass. These are the exercises I use to put a focus on the lower body, which can be especially important in building a toned and muscular lower half.

I also incorporate dumbbell 45-hypers to target the glutes, which is an important muscle group for overall lower body strength and aesthetics. The seated hip abductions and kickbacks are also great exercises for targeting the glutes and building a strong, toned posterior.

Photo Credit @lomerphotography

In terms of cardio, I incorporate the Stairmaster or fast-paced walks on the treadmill or outdoors into my routine. These forms of cardio can help improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and even aide in recovery by increasing blood flow to the muscles.

Finally, I incorporate upper body exercises like dumbbell side lateral raises, chin-ups, push-ups, lat pull-down, standing military presses, and incline barbell presses into my routine. These exercises can help build upper body strength and muscle mass, creating a balanced physique.

Overall, my routine seems to incorporate a good mix of compound exercises, glute-specific exercises, cardio, and upper body exercises. It’s important to continue to challenge yourself with progressive overload, gradually increasing the weight or reps over time to continue to see progress.

Photo Credit @lomerphotography

Five Day Home Routine For you to Try:

Day One – Arms and Shoulders
Warm up:
Arm Circles (1 set – one minute)
Jumping Jacks (1 set – one minute)

Seated shoulder press (three sets of 12)
Front Raises (pronated – 3 sets of 12)
Front Raises (supinated – 3 sets of 12)
Lateral Raises (3 sets of 12)
Bicep Curls (4 sets of 15)
Alternating curls (4 sets of 15)
Triceps Pushdowns (4 sets of 15)
Tricep Dips (4 sets of 15)
Foam rolling to cool down

Day two – Glutes and Abs
Warm up:
Jumping Jacks (1 set – 1 min)
Squats (1 set 30 s)
Single Leg Glute Bridge (4 sets – 12)
Jump Squats (4 sets – 12)
Romanian Deadlifts with Resistance Bands (4 sets – 12)
Kick Backs (4 sets of 12)
Leg lifts (4 sets of 12)
Cross Body Crunch (4 sets of 12)
Toe Touches (4 sets of 12)
Foam rolling cool down

Day three – Fat burner
Warm up – High knees (3 sets of 30s each), Butt kicks (3 sets of 30s each)

Walking Lunges (3 sets of 30s
Dumbbell punch outs (3 sets of 30s)
Squats (4 sets of 30)
Scissors (3 sets of 30s)
Oblique Crunches (3 sets of 30s)

Day Four – Chest and Back
Warm up – Arm circles (1 set for 1 min), Jumping Jacks (1 set for 1 min)
Push-ups on knees (4 sets of 12)
Standing Low chest flys (4 set of 12)
Standing high Chest flys (4 sets of 12)
Bent over Row (4 sets of 12)
Lying Pullover (4 set of 12)
Kneeling Single Arm Pull down (4 sets of 12)
Foam rolling cool down

Day Five – Legs
Warm-up – Jumping Jacks (1 set – 1 min), Butt kicks (1 set – 1 min)
Squats (4 sets of 15)
Reverse Lunge (4 sets of 20)
Forward Lunge (4 sets of 20)
Glute Bridge (4 sets of 20)
Dumbbell Calve Raises (4 sets of 20)
Foam Rolling cool down

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness

Centre for Advanced Medicine, Photo Credit: Leanne McCurdy

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Nicole Arseneau:

When it comes to achieving a toned body, many people focus solely on abdominal exercises like crunches and sit-ups. However, a well-rounded fitness routine should include exercises that engage the entire body, including the core muscles.

One common mistake that people make is thinking that they need to do endless sets of ab exercises in order to get a toned midsection. However, this can actually be counterproductive, as overworking the abs can lead to imbalances and injury. Instead, it’s important to engage the core muscles throughout your entire workout, including during exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, and overhead presses.

By engaging the abs during these compound exercises, you’ll not only work the core muscles more effectively, but you’ll also burn more calories and build overall strength and muscle mass.

For those over 40, strength training can be especially important, as it can help combat the natural decline in muscle mass that comes with aging. Resistance training can also help improve bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and can help reduce the risk of other age-related health issues like arthritis and diabetes.

Photo Credit @arsenikstudios

It’s important to work with a certified personal trainer or fitness professional to develop a safe and effective strength training program that is personalized to your body type, accommodates for past injuries and physical limitations. Customized programming will help you identify your fitness goals, and teach you proper form and technique to prevent injury.

In summary, engaging the abs during lifts and compound exercises can help achieve a toned midsection while also building overall strength and muscle mass. Strength training is especially important for those over 40, as it can help combat the natural decline in muscle mass and reduce the risk of age-related health issues. It’s important to work with a professional to develop a safe and effective workout plan.

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Nicole Arseneau:

As a mother of three active boys and one in the fitness industry, I follow a balanced and healthy diet that provides me with the necessary nutrients to fuel my workouts and support my physical goals. I prioritize lean protein sources, such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, tofu, and egg whites, as these foods can help build and maintain lean muscle mass while keeping me feeling full and satisfied.

In addition to lean protein, I often consume a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats, are also often included in my diets, as they provide important nutrients like B vitamins and iron, and can help keep me feeling full and satisfied.

Photo Credit @arsenikstudios

Healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, are also important components of my diet, as well as, they provide energy and help me feel full and satisfied. However, it’s important to consume these fats in moderation, as they are high in calories. My diet is usually around 25% fat.

When it comes to processed foods, I limit how much I intake. These foods include: sugary drinks, fried foods, alcohol, and high-fat meats. These foods can be high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sugar, and can contribute to weight gain and other health problems if consumed in large amounts.

However, it’s important to note that being overly restrictive with your diet can be unsustainable and lead to unhealthy habits. I follow the 80/20 rule, which means that I eat healthy, whole foods 80% of the time and allow themselves to indulge in my favorite treats or meals 20% of the time. This helps prevent feelings of deprivation and helps me maintain consistency in healthy eating habits.

Overall, a healthy and balanced diet, combined with regular exercise and adequate rest, helps me achieve and maintain physical fitness and overall health.

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Nicole Arseneau:

As a fitness professional, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet that supports your fitness goals. Here are five foods that I absolutely love and five that I keep to a minimum:

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

Five foods to absolutely love:

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods to keep to a minimum:

Nicole Arseneau:

photo credit @paulbuceta

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Nicole Arseneau:

For skincare, it’s important to follow a consistent routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing twice a day. This is part of my morning and bedtime routine. I have been using Eminence products for nearly two decades. Exfoliating once or twice a week can help remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking fresh. Sun protection is also crucial, so make sure to use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day, even on cloudy days.

In terms of hair care, it’s important to use gentle shampoos and conditioners that are suitable for your hair type. Avoid over-washing your hair, as this can strip it of its natural oils and lead to dryness and damage. I only wash my hair once a week and use a large tooth comb to comb out my hair. Regular deep conditioning treatments can also help nourish your hair and keep it looking healthy. I get one done after each color which is approximately once per month. And, just like with skincare, protecting your hair from the sun and heat styling is important to maintain its health and prevent damage. I only round brush my hair once a week.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

It’s also important to note that diet and lifestyle can have a big impact on the health of your skin and hair. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help provide the nutrients your body needs to maintain healthy skin and hair. Staying hydrated (3-4L for day), getting enough sleep (7-8 hours a night), and managing stress levels can also help improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair.

Namita Nayyar:

Five skincare myths.

Nicole Arseneau:

As someone who takes skincare seriously, I’ve come across several skincare myths that can do more harm than good. One of the most common ones is the belief that oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, even oily skin needs a good moisturizer to keep it balanced and hydrated.

Photo Credit @paulbuceta

Another popular myth is that expensive skincare products are always better, but this is simply not true. The quality of skincare products is more important than the price, and sometimes affordable options can be just as effective as their pricier counterparts.

It’s also crucial to remember that sunscreen is necessary, even on cloudy days. UV rays can still penetrate through clouds and cause damage to the skin, so wearing sunscreen daily is a must for protecting against skin cancer and premature aging.
Additionally, many people believe that scrubbing the skin vigorously will remove blackheads and acne, but this can actually cause more harm than good. Over-scrubbing can irritate the skin, cause acne to worsen, and even damage the skin’s barrier. A gentle and consistent skincare routine is much more effective in treating acne.

Finally, it’s important to understand that skincare products cannot completely erase wrinkles. They can only help to diminish their appearance and slow down the aging process. Consistent use of anti-aging products, coupled with a healthy lifestyle, can support youthful-looking skin.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

Namita Nayyar:

Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.

Nicole Arseneau:

As someone who enjoys as active lifestyle, I can say that I have tried clothing from a number of different brands and have been the most impressed with the quality and performance of Born Primitive, Aumnie, Heroine, Lululemon and Nike for their trendy styles and flattering cuts that make me feel confident and stylish while working out.

Moreover, I appreciate that many of these brands offer a range of sizes to accommodate different body types and their clothing is designed to be durable, ensuring that it lasts through multiple washes and wears.

Photo Credit @paulbuceta

Overall, I believe that investing in high-quality athletic wear from these brands is worth the cost, as it not only enhances your performance during workouts but also makes you feel comfortable and stylish through the day.

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Nicole Arseneau:

I have been bitten by the travel bug ever since I went away to the University of Manitoba when I was eighteen years old. Over the last twenty years, I have been fortunate to explore several destinations. I am always eager to discover new places and go off the beaten path to see, hear, smell, and experience everything that each location has to offer. My husband and I have made it a point to take our children with us on every adventure. Here are the top five destinations on my bucket list:

Photo Credit @mariagloriaphotograghy

Namita Nayyar:

You are the co-founder of the Centre for Advanced Medicine Inc along with your husband Dr. Leigh Arseneau, HBSc, ND, FMP, a Naturopathic Physician who specializes in Functional Medicine. In this medical facility, you offer IV Infusion Therapy Clinic, Lifestyle Genomics, Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Mistletoe Injection Therapy For Osteoarthritis, Immune Therapy, Injection Therapy, and Functional Medicine. Elaborate more about these treatments that you offer for our readers to know so that they can take a prudent decision to decide which treatment to take from your facilities.

Nicole Arseneau:

My husband, Dr. Leigh Arseneau, HBSc, ND, FMP, and I are the co-founders of the Centre for Advanced Medicine (CAM) Inc., where he serves as the Medical Director and lead Naturopathic Doctor with skills and expertise in Functional Medicine. We focus on complex health problems. Our Functional Medicine approach to healthcare is personalized, patient-centered and science-based, and we use conventional and alternative therapies, along with lifestyle modifications, to address the underlying causes of disease and achieve optimal health and wellness. We are also co-owners of the Centre for Restorative Medicine Inc. (a performance, beauty and age rejuvenation center); and partners of the Canadian Centre for Integrative Medicine Inc. (an integrative chronic pain facility);

Our team of experts and specialists collaboratively work towards solving complex and difficult-to-treat health conditions. At our state-of-the-art facilities, we offer a range of treatments through the lens of Functional Medicine. Here are some of the common treatments we offer to help you understand our services:

Photo Credit @mariagloriaphotograghy

IV Infusion Therapy: Our signature IV treatments involve the administration of nutrients through an intravenous (IV) line for optimal delivery. We use only the highest-quality vitamins, amino acids and minerals to tailor your IV treatment to your specific needs. Our medical facility offers novel and innovative natural products such as ATP and L-Carnitine to enhance your energy, lose weight and boost your metabolism. Each IV infusion cocktail is customized to your needs and can be used to improve stress resilience, boost your mood and cognitive function, detoxify your liver, enhance your natural glow, increase your sex drive, optimize athletic and sexual performance and rejuvenate your immune system. IV therapy is an effective way to combat chronic health conditions such as chronic fatigue, anxiety, PMS, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and Parkinson’s, among others.

Lifestyle Genetic Testing: Our leading-edge testing helps identify genetic variants that impact your health. This DNA-based test provides a deeper understanding of your uniqueness and improves your health and well-being by creating individualized actionable nutrition, exercise and lifestyle recommendations that are tailored to your unique genetic makeup.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Hormones are important for regulating many bodily processes including appetite, metabolism, sleep, reproductive cycle, sexual function, temperature, and mood. Balancing your hormones can help alleviate bothersome symptoms such as brain fog, irritability, insomnia, low sex drive and menopausal symptoms. Our Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy uses hormones that are identical in structure to those produced naturally in the body, offering a safe, effective and natural way to rebalance your hormones and feel well again.

Mistletoe Injection Therapy: Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease affecting middle-aged and elderly adults. Our Mistletoe Injection Therapy can offer help to those suffering from the pain and debilitation of osteoarthritis. This therapy promotes controlled inflammation which activates the body’s healing capacity, improves circulation to the joint area and supports collagen production. Benefits of Mistletoe Joint Therapy include pain relief and improved mobility, and it is fast-acting, with benefits often experienced after the first set of injections. This treatment has no interactions with medications or long-term side effects.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

We offer free in-person and virtual 15-minute consultations to determine whether our services are right for you.

Bemer PEMF Therapy: PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. This technology produces electromagnetic fields with various waveforms and frequencies that stimulate healthy muscles in order to improve and facilitate performance. All living organisms generate electricity. The elements in our cells (oxygen, hydrogen and carbon) create charges and send signals to different parts of the body via the circulatory system. This device works by augmenting microcirculation (blood circulation) and electrically charges your cells (much like a battery) to provide the highest level of functionality and vitality. This combines very well with IV therapy to significantly enhance nutrient delivery to the body.

Photo Credits: @leahsmith.branding

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us more about your endeavor “Innerstrong Fitness”.

Nicole Arseneau:

Innerstrong Fitness is the result of my personal struggles with achieving sustainable fitness results after being exposed to the health and wellness industry for many years. I understand the challenges busy professional women face in finding balance and thriving. To address these challenges, Innerstrong Fitness offers an innovative system that takes women on a nutrition and body transformation journey. This system educates women on how to incorporate powerful tiny habits, metabolic restoration, periodization, macro balancing, progressive overload resistance training, and food freedom while maintaining their core values.

Innerstrong Fitness also collaborates with the Centre for Advanced Medicine Inc. to offer a personalized medical approach for clients with complex health problems. This includes addressing gut health, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, adrenal burnout, and other complex women’s health issues to ensure progress towards the client’s goals is always possible. By integrating state-of-the-art functional medical modalities with sustainable lifestyle methodologies, Innerstrong Fitness helps clients achieve optimal health and enhance their performance, recovery, and fat breakdown ability.

Namita Nayyar:

You are the co-founder of a non-profit organization that is focused on providing a safe space to mentor young women. Tell us more about this venture of yours of giving back to society.

Nicole Arseneau:

Riveters Ontario is a group that empowers young women and offers a secure space to discuss women’s issues and personal growth. The inspiration behind the group’s name comes from Rosie the Riveter, a World War II campaign. The group’s formation was sparked by the pandemic, as young women aged 13-18 were missing the social interaction of extracurricular activities and community engagement. Riveters Ontario’s primary aim is to promote leadership and philanthropy among young women. The group has expanded from 10-12 members to over 100 members across multiple schools and has brought joy to many people in the community.

Riveters Ontario’s first initiative was a menstrual drive, which was done in partnership with Bleed the North. The school community contributed over 13,000 menstrual products and raised over $1000 in monetary donations. All donations were given to women’s shelters and menstruators who cannot afford products. The menstrual drive initiative has been an ongoing success since its inception and has grown in impact each year, with over 25,000 menstrual products collected and thousands of dollars raised annually. Riveters Ontario has also collaborated with Inspire Always and Million Dollar Smiles to fulfill the wishes of terminally ill youth. They ran a campaign with Durham Victim Services on human trafficking, putting up educational posters in local hotels and motels with resources and support for victims of human trafficking. In December of this year, the group made homemade Christmas cards for the elderly in retirement homes. The group meets every week to participate in self-improvement workshops, discussions, and to plan future initiatives.

Photo Credit: @mariagloriaphotography

Riveters Ontario’s long-term goal is to continue growing the group and raising awareness of women’s issues in their community. The group is proud of the progress they have made and hopes to see similar groups like the Riveters in all schools throughout the province. The moderators of the group are so incredibly proud of how far the girls have come and where they are going to go. As one of the teacher moderators, would say, “We give the girls the tools and the voice to make their ideas into a reality.”

Namita Nayyar:

You believe that optimal health can only be achieved through working on the integral function of each of the body systems coupled with mindset, weight-bearing, and endurance training. Your clients are taught sustainable lifestyle methodologies interwoven with state-of-the-art functional medical modalities that are proven to enhance performance, recovery, and the body’s ability to break down fat. Elaborate on this theory of yours to provide ideal fitness.

Nicole Arseneau:

My belief is that achieving optimal health requires a holistic approach, recognizing the complexity and interdependence of the body’s various systems. To attain optimal health, it’s essential to address the integral function of each of these systems through a combination of physical activity, whole food nutrition, tiny habits, and mindset training. Additionally, the use of functional medical modalities can assist in ensuring optimal gut health and hormone balance, which in turn allows the body to function optimally and achieve individual goals.

Photo credits: @leahsmith.branding

Incorporating physical activity, including weight-bearing and endurance training, is a critical component of achieving optimal health. By building lean muscle mass, individuals can enhance their body’s ability to break down fat and burn more calories at rest, improving overall fitness, muscle strength, bone density, and cardiovascular health.

Mindset training is equally crucial to achieving optimal health. Developing a positive and resilient mindset can have a powerful impact on both physical and mental well-being, allowing individuals to overcome obstacles and stay motivated in their fitness journey.

Functional medical modalities can also be a useful tool in promoting healing and recovery, enhancing performance, and optimizing the function of the body’s systems. These modalities may include personalized IV therapy, targeted injection therapy, wellness genetic testing, neuro-acupuncture, hormone optimization, neurofeedback, reflexology, nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, manual therapies (massage and physio) and PEMF.

To create a sustainable fitness plan that supports long-term success, it’s important to incorporate all of these elements into a comprehensive approach. By addressing the integral function of each body system, developing a positive and resilient mindset, and utilizing functional medical modalities, individuals can achieve optimal health and fitness and create sustainable habits that support their long-term success.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fitness model girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of fitness modeling?

Nicole Arseneau:

To all the inspiring and budding fitness model girls, I would like to offer the following advice and motivational words:

Remember, the journey to success in the field of fitness modeling requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Keep striving towards your goals, and never give up on your dreams. Best of luck!

Photo credits: @leahsmith.branding

Namita Nayyar:

You have an impressive Instagram following of 10k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.

Nicole Arseneau:

Thank you for your support and interest in my abilities as a nutrition and body transformation coach. It’s a pleasure to be of service to you and others who seek information and assistance. My goal is to continue providing accurate, insightful, and helpful responses to your inquiries and to support your learning and growth. I’m grateful for your trust and confidence in my abilities, and I look forward to continuing to serve you in the best possible way.

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness

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